小海豚被困渔网 巴西渔民热心解救
小海豚被困渔网 巴西渔民热心解救

At the end of 2020, a few people off the coast of Guarujá, Brazil, got in a boat to do some sea fishing. On their way back, one man saw something struggling in the water, so they went over to get a closer look. They quickly found a baby dolphin in the fishing net.
To their surprise, the clever animal tried to swim toward the boat as it got close. She was asking for help! The man helped the little one onboard(登船) and removed the net from her head and fins. The dolphin didn’t move at that time. 
When the dolphin was safe, the man gave her a few sweet kisses. He set her free back into the sea. Everyone in the boat cheered. The little dolphin swam away and was on her way home! 


1.The fisherman found the dolphin _______.

A when they caught the fish

B when the boat returned

C when they went to the sea

D when they pulled a fishing net

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段On their way back, one man saw something struggling in the water...可知,在他们回来的路上,一个渔民看到有什么东西在水里挣扎,故选B。

2.Why were the fishermen surprised?

A Because the dolphin swam away.

B Because the dolphin hurt its head.

C Because the dolphin swam to them.

D Because the dolphin cried like a baby.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句To their surprise, the clever animal tried to swim toward the boat as it got close.可知,令他们惊讶的是,这只海豚在船靠近时试图向船游去,故选C。

3.The dolphin _______ in the boat.

A didn’t move

B tried to run away

C became crazy

D got worried

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句The dolphin didn’t move at that time.可知,海豚在船里没有动,故选A。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A An Accident at Sea.

B A Fishing Trip.

C A Man and a Dolphin.

D Save a Little Dolphin.
