

Builders are hiring Portuguese bricklayers on £1,000 a week because not enough British people can do the job. 

Skilled workers are in such short supply they can demand double the normal day pay of £100. 

A month ago the Mail revealed that a similar labour shortage had forced the UK’s biggest sandwich manufacturer to recruit in Hungary because it could not fill its production line with local workers. 

Portugal has become a hot spot for builders while energy firms are hiring Spanish engineers, according to James Hick of recruiters Manpower. 

‘There is a severe shortage of skilled workers in Britain – bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, mechanical engineers, HGV drivers,’ he added. ‘Where they were paying £500 a week at the beginning of the year, the demand for those skills means they are now paying £1,000 a week. 

‘That pressure on skills is huge, particularly in the construction industry in the South East and London.’ He accused UK firms of stopping training courses in the downturn and being left short when construction picked up. ‘That is not something that can be resolved quickly, but companies need people who can work now, so they have had to put up pay and look elsewhere’, he added. 


1.Which country need skilled workers very much?

A Portugal.

B Spain.

C Britain.

D Hungary.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段…because not enough British people can do the job.可知,故选C。

2.How much do the skilled workers demand per day now?

A 100

B 200

C 500

D 1000

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。根据第2段…double the normal day pay of £100. 中double一词“双倍,加倍”可知,故选B。

3.Spanish engineers are hired by__________.

A energy firms

B sandwich manufacturers

C builders

D food companies

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第4段…while energy firms are hiring Spanish engineers,…可知,故选A。

4.Which is NOT in severe shortage in Britain?

A Taxi drivers.

B HGV drivers.

C mechanical engineers.

D bricklayers.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第5段‘There is a severe shortage of skilled workers in Britain – bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, mechanical engineers, HGV drivers,’ he added.可知,故选A。

5.What do the employers have to do in order to hire enough skilled workers?

A Stop training courses.

B Reduce the workers’ day pay.

C Increase the workers’ day pay.

D Increase the working time.

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。终止培训、降低日薪、增加工时肯定都不能招到更多工人,所以A、B、D项错误,故选C。