土耳其男子救下受伤天鹅 彼此陪伴30多年似家人
土耳其男子救下受伤天鹅 彼此陪伴30多年似家人

Most people who keep animals choose to have dogs, cats, fishes or small birds. But Recep Mirzan keeps a different animal on his farm in Western Turkey. The 63-year-old retired postal worker has a swan(天鹅), a large and long-lived bird found in many parts of the world.
Mirzan saved the swan from a dangerous situation many years ago. Mirzan and a group of friends were driving in their car when they saw an injured swan with a broken wing. Mirzan immediately took the swan with him to protect her from predators. He kept her in the car until that afternoon when he was able to take the swan to his home. “Since I love animals, I said to myself that I should take her home instead of leaving her as prey,” Mirzan said.
He named the swan Garip. It means “strange” in the Turkish language but is also used to describe a person who has had difficulties in their life. After Garip’s broken wing improved, she stayed with Mirzan. Mirzan is not married and has no children, so the swan is like a child to him. Garip follows Mirzan wherever he goes. 
Garip has been living on Mirzan’s farm for the past 37 years. Garip has never tried to run away from Mirzan’s farm. According to the group Swan Sanctuary, in Britain, swans live in the wild for only about 12 years. But in protected environments, they can live up to 30 years.


1.Where did Recep Mirzan work in the past?

A In the zoo.

B On the farm.

C In the post office.

D In an animal centre.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句The 63-year-old retired postal worker has a swan, a large and long-lived bird found in many parts of the world.可知,雷杰普·米尔赞(Recep Mirzan)是一位63岁的退休邮递员,故选C。

2.Mirzan happened to see the swan _______.

A when he was on his way home

B when his car stopped in a place

C when he was driving with his friends

D when he bought something in the market

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句Mirzan and a group of friends were driving in their car when they saw an injured swan with a broken wing.可知,米尔赞和一群朋友开车时看到一只受伤的天鹅翅膀断了,故选C。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Mirzan loved the swan better than his family.

B The swan kept a close relationship with Mirzan.

C Mirzan never thought of keeping a swan as a pet.

D The swan was named Garip after Mirzan’s daughter.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段Mirzan is not married and has no children, so the swan is like a child to him. Garip follows Mirzan wherever he goes. 可知,米尔赞没有结婚,也没有孩子,所以天鹅对他来说就像个孩子。当盖瑞普(Garip)离开她的围栏,她跟着米尔赞,无论他去哪里。由此说明天鹅与米尔赞保持着密切的关系,故选B。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Humans have abilities to raise swans widely.

B The wild environment of swans has been destroyed.

C The swan lives longer in a man-made environment.

D Mirzan’s story drew much attention of his community.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段According to the group Swan Sanctuary, in Britain, swans live in the wild for only about 12 years. But in protected environments, they can live up to 30 years.可知,据英国天鹅保护区组织称,天鹅在野外的生活时间只有12年左右。但在受保护的环境中,它们能活30年。由此说明天鹅在人工环境中寿命更长,故选C。