6岁男孩发现恐龙足迹 专家现场确认
6岁男孩发现恐龙足迹 专家现场确认

Yang Zheyu, a 6-year-old kindergarten student in Chengdu becomes famous these days. When he walks through the neighborhood where he and his parents live, neighbors take photos with him. That’s because the newspaper have called him as the country’s youngest discoverer of dinosaur footprints.
Zheyu, who was born in December 2014, visited his grandfather’s home in Tongjiang with his parents during the seven-day National Day holiday last year to see “strange footprints”. His grandfather, Gou Taixiang, 56, a doctor, had told Zheyu that footprints like those of a chicken could be found on a large stone in his mountainous home village of Chaoyang.
At around 2 pm on Oct 1, Zheyu visited the stone with his parents and grandfather. Because the stone was covered with grasses, the grandfather cleared them away. Then five footprints could be seen.
“My son asked me to send photos of the footprints to Xing Lida," said Gou Fengqiong, the boy’s mother. Xing is a scientist about ancient animals. “Xing Lida replied the next day and said he would head for Tongjiang on Oct 9,” said Gou who was a doctor before becoming a full-time mother.
Xing reached Chaoyang village with two students and soon identified the strange footprints as those of a dinosaur. Each footprint is about 35 centimeters long and has three toes. They belonged to a dinosaur about 4 meters long, he said.
Zheyu was scared to cry when he was 2 years old seeing dinosaurs in an amusement park in Chengdu. He had an interest in the animals from then on. “He took an online course on dinosaurs taught by Xing Lida and learned how to identify dinosaur footprints,” his mother said.


1.Why does Yang Zheyu become famous?

A Because he can sing and dance.

B Because he is good at taking photos.

C Because his parents are popular stars.

D Because he is the youngest discoverer of dinosaur footprints.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句That’s because the newspaper have called him as the country's youngest discoverer of dinosaur footprints. 可知,他出名是因为他是最小的恐龙脚印的发现者。故选D。

2.Where are the dinosaur footprints found?

A In the city of Chengdu.

B In the town of Tongjiang.

C In the village of Chaoyang.

D At an amusement park.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段Gou Taixiang, 56, a doctor, had told Zheyu that footprints like those of a chicken could be found on a large stone in his mountainous home village of Chaoyang.可知,故选C。

3.Who is a scientist about ancient animals.?

A Gou Fengqiong.

B Xing Lida.

C Gou Taixiang.

D Yang Zheyu.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段Xing is a scientist about ancient animals.可知,故选B。

4.When was the little boy interested in dinosaurs?

A 4 years ago.

B 2 years ago.

C Last year.

D Last October.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段Yang Zheyu, a 6-year-old kindergarten student可知,他现在6岁,又根据最后一段Zheyu was scared to cry when he was 2 years old seeing dinosaurs in an amusement park in Chengdu. He had an interest in the animals from then on.可知,他2岁时,开始对恐龙有兴趣,因此推断他在4年前就对恐龙感兴趣。故选A。