来福车司机受乘客感染 设法赞助他一辆新车上班
来福车司机受乘客感染 设法赞助他一辆新车上班

When David Daniels, a Lyft driver in Louisiana, picked up a passenger in the pouring rain back in November, he didn’t expect the man to be so cheerful. David had been having a hard day, and the weather wasn’t making his mood any better. But as soon as Ed Hays Jr. got into his car, it was like everything brightened up! “On rainy days, people are normally in a bad mood,” David said. “Ed came in my car. He was so excited. I asked, ‘How’s your night going?’ He said, ‘It couldn’t be better. I just found out I got promoted at my job to lead cashier.'”
On their way from Shreveport to Bossier City, where Ed works the night shift at a local gas station, Ed mentioned that he usually walks to and from work. He had decided to treat himself to a Lyft ride to celebrate his promotion, and David was surprised to hear that Ed was walking about 11 miles total. “I said, ‘Are you kidding me? You walk that far every day?’” David recalled. “So after walking 6 miles to work the graveyard shift, he was walking 6 miles back to his house.”
Ed’s positive attitude stayed with David even after the two of them parted ways. If anyone deserved a helping hand, it was Ed, so David took to TikTok and asked his followers to make it happen! He posted a video explaining Ed’s story and asked anyone who could to donate on GoFundMe. His plan was to raise enough money to buy Ed a used car and it couldn’t have gone better!
After bringing in over $6,800, David got in touch with SBC Autos and arranged to give Ed a new car! What’s more, he paid for six months of car insurance and gave Ed a $500 gift card for gas. “I was never expecting all of this. I give him all credit for everything he’s doing,” Ed said. “He’s like a saint.”


1.What’s the personality of Ed Hays Jr. ?

A Cautious.

B Energetic.

C Optimistic.

D Pessimistic.


2.What does the underlined part probably refer to?

A The night shift.

B The tough task.

C The work at the graveyard.

D The unpleasant situation.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据文章第二段第一句On their way from Shreveport to Bossier City, where Ed works the night shift at a local gas station, Ed mentioned that he usually walks to and from work. 以及So after walking 6 miles to work the graveyard shift, he was walking 6 miles back to his house.可知,埃德在当地一家加油站上夜班,他通常步行上下班。由此推断the graveyard shift意为“上夜班”,故选A。

3.Why did David decide to help Ed?

A Because Ed made him set a goal in life.

B Because Ed inspired him to face frustration.

C Because Ed positively influenced him in spirit.

D Because Ed helped him in his most difficult time.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段Ed’s positive attitude stayed with David even after the two of them parted ways. If anyone deserved a helping hand, it was Ed, so David took to TikTok and asked his followers to make it happen! 可知,即使他们两人分开了,埃德的积极态度仍然伴随着大卫。大卫认为如果有人值得帮助的话,那就是埃德,于是大卫来到抖音平台,请求他的追随者助他一臂之力,故选C。

4.How did Ed respond to David’s kindness?

A He declined David’s gifts with thanks.

B He kept spreading joy to the people around.

C He went out of his way to make David’s life easier.

D He wrapped his mind around what David did for him.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“I was never expecting all of this. I give him all credit for everything he’s doing,” Ed said. “He’s like a saint.”可知,埃德表示从没想过会发生这样的事。大卫为埃德所做的一切都归功于他。他就像个圣人。由此说明埃德试着去理解大卫为他所做的事情,故选D。