土耳其老人生病入院 爱犬在院外守候6天
土耳其老人生病入院 爱犬在院外守候6天

Cemal Senturk comes from Turkey. He has a dog. His dog’s name is Boncuk. Senturk and Boncuk are best friends.
Senturk must go to hospital. An ambulance(救护车) took him there. His dog ran after the ambulance. She waited in front of the hospital. She sat there for three days. Senturk’s daughter took the dog home. The dog returned to the hospital. Senturk’s daughter took the dog home again. She returned to the hospital again.
Boncuk left the hospital after six days. He met his dog. They were both very happy. Boncuk said that a dog could be a best friend. Dogs bring joy. They make people happy.


1.What’s the relationship between Senturk and Boncuk?

A Owner and pet.

B Father and daughter.

C Doctor and patient.

D Teacher and student.


2.Where did Boncuk wait for Senturk?

A At home.

B In the hospital.

C In an ambulance.

D In front of the hospital.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段She waited in front of the hospital.可知,邦克在医院门口等着,故选D。

3.How long did Senturk stay in hospital?

A For 3 days.

B For 4 days.

C For 5 days.

D For 6 days.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Boncuk left the hospital after six days.可知,邦克六天后离开医院。由此推测森图克住院六天,故选D。

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A Senturk met Boncuk in the hospital.

B Boncuk brought Senturk lots of happiness.

C The hospital helped look after Boncuk.

D Senturk’s daughter visited him every day.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段He met his dog. They were both very happy...Dogs bring joy. They make people happy.可知,森图克见到了他的狗,他们都很高兴。他说狗狗能带给人们快乐。故选B。