澳大利亚热气球空中遇险 幸无人伤亡
澳大利亚热气球空中遇险 幸无人伤亡

This news is from Australia. A hot air balloon was in the air. There were 9 people in the box below the balloon. The balloon was running low on fuel(燃料). It couldn’t land normally.
The people were afraid. They thought that the balloon would fall into the water. Luckily, there was a boat. It saw the balloon and helped. The balloon went close to the boat. The people inside moved to the boat.
All of them were safe. Only the pilot(飞行员) stayed on the balloon. The balloon was light now. The pilot flied to a beach. He landed safely on the beach. No one was hurt. People said that the pilot was very good.

1.Where did the story happen?

A In England.

B In Australia.

C In America.

D In Canada.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句This news is from Australia.可知,这则新闻发生在澳大利亚,故选B。

2.What’s the matter with the hot air balloon?

A It flied away.

B It landed on a boat.

C It fell into the water.

D It didn’t have enough fuel.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段 The balloon was running low on fuel(燃料). It couldn’t land normally.可知,气球燃料不足。它不能正常降落,故选D。

3.What did the pilot do with the problem?

A The pilot waited for help.

B The pilot landed on the water.

C The pilot made the balloon go down.

D The pilot made people leave the balloon.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段The balloon went close to the boat. The people inside moved to the boat.可知,气球离船很近。里面的人转移到船上。由此说明飞行员让乘客们离开热气球,故选D。

4.How is the balloon at last?

A It’s not safe.

B It’s hard to land.

C It’s out of danger.

D It’s easy to land.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段He landed safely on the beach. No one was hurt.可知,热气球安全地降落在海滩上。没有人受伤。由此说明热气球最终脱险,故选C。