

Chinese President Xi Jinping has presided over his country's first state memorial of the Nanjing massacre.

China says 300,000 civilians were massacred when the city was occupied by Japan's troops in 1937, although some Japanese nationalists deny this. A crowd of about 10,000 people attended the event in Nanjing, taking part in a minute's silence to honour those killed. They included survivors of the massacre, as well as soldiers and students.

Beijing says Tokyo has never properly apologized its wartime past. It was furious after Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe honoured war criminals among the country's dead. And while China says tens of thousands of civilians were slaughtered in Nanjing, some Japanese politicians and nationalists deny a massacre even took place.

In a speech at the event, Mr Xi criticized Japanese nationalists for denying the atrocity took place.

"Anyone who tries to deny the massacre will not be allowed by history, the souls of the 300,000 victims, 1.3 billion Chinese people and all people loving peace and justice in the world," Mr. Xi said. But he added that China should not "bear hatred against an entire nation just because a small minority of militarists launched aggressive wars." 




1.Who is the man in the picture on the left?

A Xi Jinping.

B Li Keqiang.

C Hu Jingtao.

D Zhu Rongji.

解析:选A。A 细节理解与时政题。根据第一句Chinese President Xi Jinping has presided over…可知,故选A。

2.When did Nanjing massacre happen?

A In 1931.

B In 1997.

C In 1894.

D In 1937.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段China says 300,000 civilians were massacred when the city was occupied by Japan's troops in 1937,…可知,故选D。

3.How long did Chinese people fight against Japan’s invasion(侵略)?

A Ten years.

B Eight years.

C Almost seventy years.

D Fifteen years.

解析:选B。B 历史常识题。“八年抗战”,故选B。

4.Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word“slaughtered” in the passage?

A allowed.

B criticized.

C honoured.

D massacred.

解析:选D。D 语义推测题。根据历史常识“南京大屠杀”可推测出,故选D。

5.What is NOT the purpose of the state memorial of the Nanjing massacre?

A To remember the history.

B To seek for peace.

C To revenge for(复仇) the victims.

D To seek for justice.

解析:选C。C 态度观点题。纪念南京大屠杀不是为了复仇而是为了铭记历史追求和平寻求正义,故选C。