英国退伍老兵义务为老人和患者遛狗13载 被授予“长期服务奖”
英国退伍老兵义务为老人和患者遛狗13载 被授予“长期服务奖”

Not all heroes wear capes—some walk dogs. Like John Howarth, for instance, who has walked the dogs of elderly and ill people in his community every day for 13 years. The 74-year-old man, who served in the Royal Navy for 22 years, does this because he really loves dogs, and he knows they can make fantastic companions even for people who are too weak to give them the exercise that they need. He carries out this noble duty as a volunteer for The Cinnamon Trust, a national charity for the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets. In recognition of his work, the charity recently honoured John with a long service award. 
John, from Somerset, said, “For some people who live alone, having someone to walk their dogs means the dog gets exercise, and they get contact from someone on a regular basis. Some volunteers for the trust don’t walk dogs every day, but I do as I hate to think of the dog expecting a walk and them being disappointed. Mostly the dogs are old too, so a half-hour walk is enough. All people seem to be grateful for my help. Some don’t see anyone else for the whole day. The dogs are always pleased to see me, and I am happy to see them.”
John’s role hasn’t been all smiles and strokes, though. On one occasion, a large grey dog belonging to an old woman with cancer pulled him over while running after a cat, causing him to cut his face and broke his glasses. Over his years of duty he has also experienced a lot of loss, with many dogs and their owners passing away. But while these experiences have been painful, John knows his service is invaluable and his dedication has made his family proud. He said, “I intend to carry on for as long as I am able, which will hopefully be for some time yet.”


1.What can we know about John Howarth?

A He was a hero in the army.

B His favourite job is to keep others’ dogs.

C He helps to train dogs of others.

D He does voluntary work for the community.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Like John Howarth, for instance, who has walked the dogs of elderly and ill people in his community every day for 13 years.以及He carries out this noble duty as a volunteer for The Cinnamon Trust, 可知,约翰·霍沃思( John Howarth)13年来每天为社区里的老人和病人遛狗,他作为肉桂信托的志愿者履行了这一崇高职责,故选D。

2.Who will never be in the list of the charity service?

A Terminal cancer patients.

B Old patients’ dogs.

C Volunteers who walk dogs every day.

D Old people whose children are not around.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章文章第一段倒数第二句He carries out this noble duty as a volunteer for The Cinnamon Trust, a national charity for the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets.可知,肉桂信托基金会是一个服务于老年人、绝症患者及其宠物的全国性慈善机构,约翰作为该机构的志愿者履行职责,因此每天遛狗的志愿者不是该机构的服务对象。故选C。

3.What does walking dogs often mean to John?

A A regular exercise.

B An action to meet dog’s needs.

C A painful experience with dogs.

D A way to understand social life.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段For some people who live alone, having someone to walk their dogs means the dog gets exercise, and they get contact from someone on a regular basis. Some volunteers for the trust don't walk dogs every day, but I do as I hate to think of the dog expecting a walk and them being disappointed. 可知对于一些独居的人来说,有人遛狗意味着狗可以得到锻炼,他们可以定期和别人联系。信托基金会的一些志愿者并不每天遛狗,但约翰这么做是因为他不愿意看到狗狗失望。由此推断遛狗对约翰而言是满足狗狗的需求的行为,故选B。

4.What did John’s duty occasionally remind him of?

A Some painful memories.

B Physical and mental stress.

C Praise and smile from others.

D The misunderstanding of his family.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段On one occasion, a large grey dog belonging to an old woman with cancer pulled him over while running after a cat, causing him to cut his face and broke his glasses. Over his years of duty he has also experienced a lot of loss, with many dogs and their owners passing away.可知,约翰记得有一次,一位患癌症的老太太的一条灰色大狗在追赶一只猫时把他拉到路边,导致他割破了脸,打碎了眼镜。在他执勤的几年里,他也经历了很多损失,许多狗和它们的主人都去世了。由此说明替人遛狗偶然会让他想起一些痛苦的回忆,故选A。