泰国小象遭车撞性命垂危 急救人员做心肺复苏救回
泰国小象遭车撞性命垂危 急救人员做心肺复苏救回

As a rescue worker in Thailand, Mana Srivate has performed CPR(心肺复苏) on too many people. But this will be the first time he can say that he performed it on an elephant. The rescue worker was called in while he was off duty. A baby elephant had been struck by a motorbike while it was crossing a road in the Chanthaburi Province, Thailand. 
While his colleagues helped treat the injured motorcycle rider, Mana was seen giving CPR to the baby elephant that was lying helplessly on its side. Thankfully, both the elephant and the rider recovered from the incident as they both didn’t have any serious injuries. “It’s my duty to save lives, but I was worried the whole time because I can hear the mother and other elephants calling for the baby,” shared Mana. “I guessed where an elephant’s heart would be located based on human theory and a video online. When the baby elephant started to move, I almost cried.” 
About 10 minutes later, the baby elephant managed to stand up and it was taken to another location for treatment. It was later returned to the scene of the accident, where the mother returned once they heard the baby calling out. The baby elephant went back to its mother. Although he had given CPR to many accident victims, Mana shared that the elephant was the only one that he’s managed to save. 


1.Mana Srivate helped a baby elephant after _______.

A it left its mother

B it was hit by a motorbike

C it was missing on the road

D it was walking across a road

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句As a rescue worker in Thailand, Mana Srivate has performed CPR (心肺复苏)on too many people. But, this will be the first time he can say that he performed it on an elephant...A baby elephant had been struck by a motorbike...可知,作为救援人员的玛拿·斯里瓦特在它被摩托车撞了之后第一次针对大象实施心肺复苏,故选B。

2.Mana was worried because _______.

A the baby elephant would die soon

B the motorcycle rider would run away

C the mother elephant was calling for the baby

D He couldn’t find the baby elephant’s heart

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段It’s my duty to save lives, but I was worried the whole time because I can hear the mother and other elephants calling for the baby,” shared Mana.可知,玛拿一直很担心,因为他听到大象妈妈一直在呼唤小象,故选C。

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A The baby elephant went home alone.

B The scene of the accident was quite far.

C Mana never save lives by giving CPR before.

D The mother elephant was never waiting at the roadside.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句Although he had given CPR to many accident victims, Mana shared that the elephant was the only one that he’s managed to save. 可知,尽管玛拿给许多事故受害者做过心肺复苏,但这头象是他唯一成功救活的,由此说明他之前从未通过心肺复苏救活过某人,故选C。

4.What’s the end of the story?

A The motorcycle rider died of serious injuries.

B The baby elephant still needs further treatment.

C Mana sent the baby elephant to another place.

D The baby elephant was safely back with its mother.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The baby elephant went back to its mother.可知,随后小象与母亲团聚,故选D。