荷兰农田装点上万LED灯 犹如异世界仙境
荷兰农田装点上万LED灯 犹如异世界仙境

Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde’s latest project, GROW, involved installing thousands of blue, red and purple LED lights in a 2-hectare field of leek for both aesthetic and practical purposes. People driving by the town of Lelystad, in central Netherlands, at night, this time of year are treated to a surreal sight—a 20,000 square metres field of leek glowing blue, red and purple. Thought up by Studio Roosegaarde, the unique artistic installation is designed both as a homage(致敬) to Dutch farmers and as an inspiration for them to experiment with artificial light in outdoor farming. Daan Roosegaarde also wants GROW to send a hopeful light to people in these trying times, giving new meaning to the word “agriculture” as a living cultural artwork.
Nighttime ultraviolet light has been used in glasshouse agriculture for a while now, especially in places where direct sunlight is scarce, but its use in outdoor farming has so far been very limited. Ultraviolet light is known to help plants grow better, but Studio Roosegaarde is also testing a theory according to which certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light could reduce the need for pesticides by up to 50%.
  “So we started to scan the plants with these wavelengths of light and then suddenly it started to dance, the light,” Daan Roosegaarde said. “You had these huge fields of fireflies and we were testing it and the magic started kicking in so I think that’s when the worlds of science and art and design collide and enhance each other.” Solar-powered LEDs project ultraviolet light onto the leek plants, thus adding the effect of natural sunlight after sunset, and creating a surreal spectacle at the same time. 
GROW is currently only visible near Lelystad, but Roosegaarde plans to take the visually-impressive installation on the road to over 40 countries. Each country will have its own local or national crop and its own unique light recipe. Over the years, Studio Roosegaarde has created a number of fascinating installations, like this glow-in-the-dark bicycle path powered directly by the sun. 


1.What can we learn about the project GROW?

A It didn’t exist in real life in the past years.

B It creates a new experience of sightseeing agriculture.

C It partially shows respect to hardworking Dutch farmers.

D It has become a local agricultural demonstration project.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Thought up by Studio Roosegaarde, the unique artistic installation is designed both as a homage to Dutch farmers and as an inspiration for them to experiment with artificial light in outdoor farming.可知,这个独特的艺术场面由罗斯加德工作室设计,既是为了向荷兰农民致敬,也是为了激励他们在户外农业中试验人造光,故选C。

2.Which was NOT involved in Paragraph 2?

A The site of ultraviolet application.

B The function of ultraviolet light.

C The wavelengths of ultraviolet light.

D The theoretical value of ultraviolet application.


3.Which characteristic is not used to describe GROW visual impact?

A Scientific.

B Artistic.

C Sense of design.

D Not environmentally friendly.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段You had these huge fields of fireflies and we were testing it and the magic started kicking in so I think that’s when the worlds of science and art and design collide and enhance each other.可知,在这些巨大的萤火虫领域,项目主创人员正在测试它,魔法开始发挥作用,那是科学、艺术和设计的世界相互碰撞、相互促进的时候。GROW项目所产生的视觉印象并没有说不环保,故选D。

4.What is the future of GROW’s further application?

A It will spread all over the European countries.

B It will be precisely designed according to different crops.

C It will provide enough light for outdoor bicycle paths.

D It will make stable and high yield of crops possible.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句Each country will have its own local or national crop and its own unique light recipe.可知,每个国家都会有自己当地或国家的作物和独特的光照配方。由此推断在将来GROW会根据不同的作物而被精准设计,故选B。