

More than 100 Vietnamese women in the northern province of Hebei disappeared.

China's gender imbalance sometimes makes poorer single men buy brides from South East Asian countries. The single men had paid tens of thousands of yuan each to the Vietnamese matchmaker, named Wu Meiyu, she had been living in Hebei for more than 20 years.

Earlier this year she went to countryside in Hebei looking for buyers, and told them to pay 115,000 yuan ($18,600; £11,800) for a Vietnamese bride.

On 20 November, the wives told their husbands that they were having a meal with other Vietnamese brides. But they didn’t return to their husbands. When the husbands went to Ms Wu's home to look for her, they found out that she had left a few days earlier.

Jinghua Daily reported that at least one bride returned. She said that she suddenly fell asleep after the meal and woke up to find herself in a small house far from her husband's village of Quzhou. Somebody told her that she would be going elsewhere to "find another husband". 

China's one-child policy has created a gender imbalance as Chinese like male babies more than female. So some poorer single men in the countryside have to ask matchmakers for brides from nearby countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar (also known as Burma).


1.How many Vietnamese women run away in the northern province of Hebei?

A Less than 100.

B Over 100.

C 100

D About 100.

解析:选B。B 语义与细节理解题。根据第一句More than 100 Vietnamese women….more than表示“超过”相当于over,故选B。

2.Where did Wu Meiyu come from?

A She came from Hebei.

B She came from Cambodia.

C She came from Myanmar.

D She came from Vietnam.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段第四行…to the Vietnamese matchmaker, named Wu Meiyu,…可知,故选D。

3.How much does a poor man spend to buy a Vietnamese bride?

A £115,000.

B £18,600.

C £11,800.

D 18600

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第3段第二行…and told them to pay 115,000 yuan ($18,600; £11,800) for a Vietnamese bride.可知,故选C。

4.Why is there a gender imbalance in China?

A Because some people are too poor to have more babies.

B Because Chinese girls don’t like to marry poor Chinese young men.

C Because of the China's one-child policy.

D Because foreign girls are more beautiful than Chinese girls.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句China's one-child policy has created a gender imbalance as Chinese like male babies more than female.可知,故选C。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Vietnamese brides disappeared suddenly in China.

B How to buy a Vietnamese bride.

C How to make money by selling Vietnamese brides.

D Where to buy brides.

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。采用排除法,如何购买越南新娘、如何通过卖越南新娘赚钱及到哪里买新娘显然不符合社会道德法制,所以BCD选项错误;A项中国越南新娘集体出逃契合文章内容,故选A。