
It’s important for children to find representation in the world around them, especially when it comes to their role models. But for kids who live with disabilities or physical differences, that can be tough. Luckily for little Joseph Tidd, he and his hero share one special thing in common. The two-year-old is a big soccer fan and idolizes Orlando Pride Soccer Team player Carson Pickett, who, like Joseph, doesn’t have a left forearm and hand.
Joseph’s parents, Miles and Colleen, think Carson’s arm is the reason their son loves her so much. “He sees those who look like him and I think he relates to them,” Miles said. He believes seeing successful people with limb differences will teach Joseph that he’s capable of anything. That’s why the Tidds thought it would be a great idea for Joseph to meet Carson in person. And his chance finally came during the team’s season opener in April, which, fittingly enough, is Limb Difference Awareness Month.
After the Orlando Pride took on the Portland Thorns, Carson met up with the family and introduced herself to the shy little boy. The athlete won him over pretty quickly, pointing to her arm as she exclaimed, “We have the same arm!” The kid completely lit up, smiling and likely marveling at their similarities. But he won’t be the only one to treasure their exchange. “You see so many people that you idolize and they have two hands and two feet but to see someone just like you,” Carson said. 
Well, it’s priceless. Carson is so much more than a soccer star. She’s giving Joseph one of the most important lessons he’ll ever learn: nothing, especially his arm, can hold him back from pursuing and fulfilling his dreams.


1.What do Joseph and Carson have in common generally?

A The family background.

B The physical disability.

C The personality and hobby.

D The growing-up experience.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句The two-year-old is a big soccer fan and idolizes Orlando Pride Soccer Team player Carson Pickett, who, like Joseph, doesn’t have a left forearm and hand.可知,这名两岁的孩子是一名超级足球迷,崇拜奥兰多普莱德足球队球员卡森·皮克特(Carson Pickett),她和约瑟夫一样,没有左前臂和左手,即身体残疾,故选B。

2.Why do the Tidds think it a good idea for Joseph to meet his hero?

A Because Joseph can fulfill his wishes.

B Because Joseph can find his own goals.

C Because Joseph can learn soccer skills.

D Because Joseph can get spiritual power.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第三句He believes seeing successful people with limb differences will teach Joseph that he’s capable of anything.可知,迈尔斯相信,看到有肢体差异的成功人士,会让约瑟夫明白自己无所不能。由此推断此次会面可以使约瑟夫从卡森那里得到精神层面上的力量,故选D。

3.What’s the purpose for Carson to say the underlined part?

A She intended to play a joke on Joseph.

B She expected Joseph to forget his disability.

C She hoped to build a certain emotional connection with Joseph.

D She tried to create a relaxing atmosphere for conversation.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第三句The kid completely lit up, smiling and likely marveling at their similarities.可知,孩子完全兴奋起来,微笑着,很可能对他们的相似之处感到惊奇。由此推断卡森说这句话的目的在于试图营造一种轻松的谈话气氛,故选D。

4.What is the author’s attitude to this special meeting?

A Favorable.

B Cautious.

C Meaningless.

D Neutral.
