马拉松选手体力不支 志愿者伴跑4英里助其越过终点线
马拉松选手体力不支 志愿者伴跑4英里助其越过终点线

Sean Kachmarski knew he would come in last place before he even started the Edmonton Marathon(马拉松) in 2016. He had only tried one full marathon before, and he had to stop before the end because he ran too slowly. With his family’s support, he decided to try one more time, but by mile 10, he was already very tired.
Rene Wache was volunteering at a water stand when he noticed Sean struggling. Thinking the runner just needed some motivation to get moving again, Rene began to run slowly with him. “You can do this, Sean!” he said. “Someone is so proud of you! You’ve got this.”
The volunteer never planned to run all the way to the finish line with Sean, but that’s exactly what he did. For the next 4 miles, Rene encouraged him to keep going. By the end of the marathon, even the race announcers(播音员) and local police had joined in to keep Sean moving forward! 
Sean’s cousin watched the final 100 yards when Sean crossed the finish line with a time of 7:07:23. The first thing that he did was give his personal cheerleader a huge hug! Sometimes we all need a little encouragement to help us on our way!


1.According to Paragraph 1, we can know that _______.

A Sean’s family wanted him to give up the race

B No one cheered Sean up in the marathon

C Sean Kachmarsk didn’t feel well before the race

D Sean Kachmarski would run a second marathon

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段With his family’s support, he decided to try one more time…可知,在家人的鼓励下,肖恩·卡奇马斯基(Sean Kachmarski)决定再试一次马拉松比赛,故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “motivation” mean in Chinese?

A 能量.

B 激励.

C 补给.

D 陪伴.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“You can do this, Sean!” he said. “Someone is so proud of you! You’ve got this.”以及第三段第二句For the next 4 miles, Rene encouraged him to keep going.可知,志愿者雷内·瓦切(Rene Wache)在伴跑过程中,一直在用话语鼓励肖恩继续前进,由此推测motivation意为“激励”,故选B。

3.What happened to Sean in the marathon?

A Rene ran to the end with him.

B The police opened the way for him.

C The race announcers didn’t help him.

D All the people there came to help him.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句The volunteer never planned to run all the way to the finish line with Sean, but that’s exactly what he did.可知,这位志愿者从来没有计划和肖恩一起一路跑到终点,但他就是这么做的,故选A。

4.The underlined part in the last paragraph refers to _______.

A a policeman

B Rene Wache

C Sean’s cousin

D the race announcer
