
Anyone who loves to read loves a library. The sight of thousands of books organized on shelves; the smell of old books mixed with new ones; the sound of a librarian silencing a noisy visitor—are all part of a book-lover’s dream.
But libraries are much more than that. In this digital age, libraries help bridge the digital divide between those with technology and those without. Librarians help people find important information in a huge sea of material. They support a love of reading.
This is true in normal times. But libraries and librarians are even more valuable since the 2020 coronavirus, which made most students into online education.
The American Library Association (ALA) started the I Love My Librarian award in 2008. Each year 10 are chosen for the award. Each winning librarian receives $5000. Here are some of the winners for 2021. 
At Washburn University, librarian Sean Bird made sure that all students taking classes online because of the coronavirus received laptops. One student wrote about Bird: “That man changed my life. He is the reason I graduated.”
Jesse Braun of Beverly Vista Middle School Library won for leadership in providing online and physical resources during the coronavirus. He grew the library “into a beloved, student-centered environment, where every child, every teacher, and every family could feel at home.”
Librarian Jianye He at the University of California won for building community and helping Chinese teachers. They describe her as “a home away from home”.
Jennifer L. Newcome at Northeastern High School is a research partner and source of support for both teachers and students. Newcome noticed a student who seemed hungry sitting alone in the library at lunch. So, she began bringing food for him every day and talking with his teacher. The boy, who had been have problems in his studies, became a top student.


1.The following are all part of a book-lover’s dream except _______.

A the taste of favorite books

B the sight of thousands of books organized on shelves

C the smell of old books mixed with new ones

D the sound of a librarian silencing a noisy visitor

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知The sight of thousands of books organized on shelves; the smell of old books mixed with new ones; the sound of a librarian silencing a noisy visitor都是一个读书爱好者的梦想。故选A。

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

A My life has changed a lot since I graduated.

B The man offered me the reason to graduate.

C With the help of the man, I could graduate.

D Because of the man, I changed my mind about graduation.


3.Who built community and helped Chinese teachers?

A Sean Bird.

B Jesse Braun.

C Jennifer L. Newcome.

D Jianye He.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Librarian Jianye He at the University of California won for building community and helping Chinese teachers.”可知,加州大学图书馆员何建业因帮助中国教师和建立社区而获奖。故选D。

4.How did Jennifer L. Newcome help the student to become a top one?

A To raise money for him.

B To help him with his studying.

C To make sure he received a laptop.

D To bring food for him and talk with his teacher.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的she began bringing food for him every day and talking with his teacher可知,她开始每天给他送食物,并和他的老师交谈。故选D。