单身汉收养唐氏综合症女孩 现在他们亲如一家
单身汉收养唐氏综合症女孩 现在他们亲如一家

In Italy, it is extremely difficult for single people to adopt. In the rare instances where they do get approved, they are typically asked to take in a child with a disability. Luca Trapanese is one of these parents, but he wants to make it clear that his daughter was never a “second-class choice”. Alba, a precious little girl with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), was left at the hospital when she was born in 2017. Twenty people turned down the chance to adopt her, but Luca was excited to have the opportunity. In fact, his goal was always to father a child with special needs!
Even if he had registered for adoption with a partner, he said he still would have wanted a child with a disability. He grew up working with kids with special needs, so he knew he was ready to shower another one with all the love in the world. His relationship with Alba certainly proves that. These days, the two of them are the best of buddies. There is so much love between them that you can feel it just by looking at their faces with a big smile! 
Luca absolutely loves being Alba’s dad. That’s why he’s using their good bond to advocate for the Down syndrome community and encourage adoptive parents to bring babies with disabilities home. “We live in a society that teaches us to be beautiful, perfect, the first, the best, and when you have a disabled child, it is a defeat,” he said. “Someone asked me, ‘But if you had a magic wand, would you heal her?’ As if it were a disease, but in reality, Down syndrome is not a disease but a way of being. I say, ‘No, because otherwise she wouldn’t be Alba.’ Alba is perfect as she is.” Luca is doing everything he can to educate others and help the world see his daughter the way he does. In his words, “Life with Alba is full of life, full of beautiful things. So every moment spent with her is a special moment.”


1.What can we know about Luca Trapanese?

A He hoped to adopt a healthy girl.

B He is a single person with a disability.

C He visited Alba in the hospital 21 times.

D He valued the opportunity to adopt a kid.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段Twenty people turned down the chance to adopt her, but Luca was excited to have the opportunity. In fact, his goal was always to father a child with special needs!可知,二十个人拒绝了收养阿尔巴的机会,但卢卡很兴奋有这个机会。事实上,他的目标是一直给一个有特殊需求的孩子当父亲。由此推断卢卡十分珍惜这次收养孩子的机会,故选D。

2.What mainly impacted Luca’s adoption decision?

A His parents’ instructions.

B The kindness in his heart.

C A desire for social equality.

D His early working experience.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句He grew up working with kids with special needs, so he knew he was ready to shower another one with all the love in the world.可知,卢卡过去在从事与特殊需求儿童的工作中成长起来,因此他明白他已经准备好向另一个人浇灌世上全部的爱,故选D。

3.Why did Luca pour all his love to Alba?

A To inspire others to follow his suit.

B To prove that he found something to live for.

C To let Alba’s parents know it was their fault.

D To make all the society concern disabled children.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段Luca absolutely loves being Alba’s dad. That’s why he’s using their good bond to advocate for the Down syndrome community and encourage adoptive parents to bring babies with disabilities home.可知,卢卡绝对喜欢做阿尔巴的爸爸。 这就是为什么他用他们良好的关系来倡导唐氏综合症社区,并鼓励养父母把残疾婴儿带回家生活。由此说明卢卡把阿尔巴视为己出的目的在于想让全社会都来关注残疾儿童,故选D。

4.How did Luca understand the Down syndrome?

A It is not a curable disease.

B It is a misunderstanding of society.

C It has nothing to do with the illness.

D It is a normal natural phenomenon.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段Down syndrome is not a disease but a way of being.可知,卢卡认为唐氏综合症不是一种疾病,而是一种存在的方式,故选C。