加拿大夫妻挑战一年内不购物 吃喝全靠自己种
加拿大夫妻挑战一年内不购物 吃喝全靠自己种

When the COVID-19 hit and supermarket shelves were empty, Chris Hall and Stefanny Lowey decided they no longer wanted to rely on others for food. The couple, who live on Pender Island in British Columbia, Canada, decided to start a year-long challenge where they wouldn’t buy a single thing to eat. Instead they would grow, raise or catch everything—right down to sugar, salt and flour. Now, five months in, they say the challenge has changed their lives.
Chris, 38, said, “It has always been something that we have wanted to do. We have had a garden and grown vegetables for a long time already. When the COVID-19 hit, it gave us that extra push that we needed to do it. We were both out of work when we started, and with the reality check of grocery stores running out of items, it gave us even more motivation to see if we could look after ourselves. ” 
The pair spent the months before building a house for chickens, ducks and turkey as well as studying as much as possible to figure out where they would get all the things they needed. Chris adds, “We had to learn so many new things like how to grow mushrooms, process our Stevia plants, and harvest salt from the ocean. We spent a lot of time reading and studying online to figure out all the things we were going to need to do.”
Now five months in, they both feel it’s been going well but Chris admits the first few weeks were difficult. “The first three weeks were very challenging as our bodies adjusted to cutting out coffee, wine and sugar all on the same day,” he says. “After three weeks our energy levels balanced out and our wishes reduced and now we feel great.” Now as they come through winter, they feel positive about continuing with this way of living, with their challenge officially ending in August.

1.What kind of life did the couple prefer?

A A poor life.

B An ideal life.

C A simple life.

D A self-supporting life.


2.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A The couple have achieved financial freedom.

B The couple had temporary unemployment.

C The couple had rich experience in farming.

D The couple were obliged to start a new life.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段We were both out of work when we started, and with the reality check of grocery stores running out of items, it gave us even more motivation to see if we could look after ourselves.可知,夫妇俩刚开始的时候都失业了,再加上杂货店的货都卖完了,这让他们更有动力去看看是否能照顾好自己。由此推断这对夫妇是迫于无奈开启新生活的,故选D。

3.How could the couple know a lot about the challenge?

A They learned from the local farmers.

B They had heir own successful practices.

C They gained experience from their work.

D They collected useful information online.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段We spent a lot of time reading and studying online to figure out all the things we were going to need to do.可知,夫妇俩花了很多时间在网上阅读和学习,以找出所有他们需要做的事情,故选D。

4.What was the biggest challenge for the couple?

A They got through cold winter nights.

B They gave up material enjoyment in a day.

C They had to face the life with friends and relatives.

D They had no idea of keeping energy balanced.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段The first three weeks were very challenging as our bodies adjusted to cutting out coffee, wine and sugar all on the same day可知,前三周是非常有挑战性的,因为夫妇俩要适应在同一天戒掉咖啡、葡萄酒和糖,即他们在一天之内就放弃了物质享受。故选B。