
In March, 5-year-old Wynn Radke of Minnesota came home from preschool with no idea that she wouldn’t return for months because of the COVID-19. Once the realization and boredom set in, her mom Colleen challenged her to think of a goal to work toward that involved an outdoor activity. Wynn wasted no time and shouted, “67 waterfalls!” While the number was random, her mom loved the idea so much that she agreed to help the little one on her quest!
The lovely pair’s first adventure took place on March 28, 2020 at Fairy Falls, and it was amazing! From there, they continued hiking to different waterfalls, documenting their progress as they inched closer and closer to their goal. Both Colleen and Wynn took their quest seriously. In fact, they traveled all over Minnesota and into Wisconsin to track down new locations, even camping overnight to reach some places! Originally, Colleen said the challenge was simply a way to get Wynn outside instead of “just watching YouTube all day.”
But it ended up being something therapeutic for them to do during the struggles 2020 has brought their family. Between Wynn missing her friends and Colleen losing her job, the waterfall visits have helped a lot. “I think it kept both of our minds off it,” Colleen added. “She could feel my stress during everything. I also think that it helped shield her from all the craziness going on. Not to mention, it was just a really fun time for the two of us to bond and grow and heal together.”
It took Wynn and Colleen five months, but they finally reached Winnewissa Falls — their 67th waterfall — in August! Upon reaching her goal, Wynn announced, “I did it!” And she wasn’t the only one who was excited. When she returned to school, her friends and teachers welcomed her with celebratory balloons! For her wonderful mom, the adventure was less about the milestones and more about the time they spent together. “We had so much fun doing us, being us, and camping.”


1.What did Wynn and Colleen agree on according to Paragraph 1?

A The way of travelling.

B The distance of the tour.

C The times of the outing.

D The challenge of visiting locations.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句While the number was random, her mom loved the idea so much that she agreed to help the little one on her quest!可知,虽然韦恩所说的数字是随机的,但她的妈妈非常喜欢这个主意,她同意帮助小家伙完成她的任务,由此说明母女俩针对参观地点发起挑战这件事达成了一致意见。故选D。

2.What did it never occur to Wynn and Colleen along the way?

A They both questioned their decisions.

B They learned many living skills in the wild.

C They sometimes slept in the open air at night.

D They challenged the limits of their physical abilities.


3.What did this journey mean to Colleen?

A A turning point of life.

B A spiritual self-rescue.

C An unforgettable adventure.

D A great test of willpower.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段“I think it kept both of our minds off it,” Colleen added. “She could feel my stress during everything. I also think that it helped shield her from all the craziness going on. Not to mention, It was just a really fun time for the two of us to bond and grow and heal together.”可知,科琳认为韦恩能感觉到她的压力。她也认为这有助于保护女儿远离所有的疯狂。对她们两个来说,这是一段非常有趣的时光,让她们彼此照应,一起成长,一起疗伤。由此推断这次行程对科琳而言是一次心灵的自我救赎,故选B。

4.What does this story enlighten us?

A Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.

B Except for health, everything in life is a floating cloud.

C Travel is a medicine that can cure the bitterness of life.

D Family education has a great influence on children’s life.
