法国著名时装设计师皮尔·卡丹去世 终年98岁
法国著名时装设计师皮尔·卡丹去世 终年98岁

Pierre Cardin is a famous fashion designer. Cardin was born in Italy in 1922. Italy was not a safe country for his family then. They moved to France in 1926.
Cardin worked for theatre and film. He made masks and clothes. Cardin started to work for Christian Dior in 1946. He started his own business four years later.
Cardin’s clothes are unusual. They look futuristic(未来感). Cardin starts to sell clothes in department stores. His business style is different from other designers. He uses his name for other products, too, like perfumes(香水), watches, cigarettes(香烟), and cars. He makes a lot of money.
Cardin died last week. He is 98 years old.


1.Where was Pierre Cardin born?

A In France.

B In Italy.

C In the UK.

D In the USA.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Cardin was born in Italy in 1922. 可知,卡丹1922年出生在意大利,故选B。

2.Cardin ran his own business _______.

A in 1922

B in 1926

C in 1946

D in 1950

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Cardin started to work for Christian Dior in 1946. He started his own business four years later.可知,卡丹1946年开始为克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)工作。四年后(即1946+4=1950年)他开始了自己的事业,故选D。

3.Pierre Cardin uses him name for some products except _______.

A watches

B cars

C food

D masks

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段倒数第二句He uses his name for other products, too, like perfumes(香水), watches, cigarettes(香烟), and cars. 可知,他也用自己的名字命名如香水、手表、香烟和汽车等物品,并没有提到食品,故选C。

4.What can we know about Pierre Cardin?

A He hoped to be an actor at the early age.

B His clothes are popular among designers.

C He helped a lot of poor people in his life.

D He did many jobs before he became famous.
