
During the cold weather, long lines of customers wait outside the Shaguoju restaurant. Cong Lei, 36, the restaurant’s manager, said her favorite dish is a kind of pancake. It has a beautiful name, yuanmeng (dream coming true) pancake. It’s said the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) dreamed of eating yuanmeng pancake one night, but did not tell anyone. However, her chef cooked this dish and served it during a meal. The pancake got its name, as the empress was joyful and her dream came true.
Started in 1741, the Shaguoju restaurant serves traditional Beijing dishes. It lies in Xisi South Street, Xicheng district. It can serves to 500 customers at a time, covers three floors, has the same number of dining halls and owns 10 private dining rooms.
Cong said the “busy season” started in October and the restaurant is making more than 100,000 yuan ($15,214) each day. In autumn and winter, it is always crowded, with customers waiting at least half an hour for tables from midday.
Most of our customers are more than 50 years old and dining here is a daily habit for them. Yang Xin, a 35-year-old Beijinger, said she first went to the restaurant when she was a child. “My grandpa likes it a lot. Even though we don’t live nearby, we still go there often for a taste of the past.”


1.What does the underlined word “chef” mean in Chinese?

A 卫兵.

B 厨师.

C 总管.

D 侍女.


2.Which is NOT true about the Shaguoju restaurant?

A It has a history of nearly 300 years.

B 500 people can eat in it at the same time.

C It is in Xisi South Street, Xicheng district.

D It has 10 dining halls on the third floors.


3.How long do the customers have to wait in the restaurant in the “busy season”?

A About 20 minutes.

B Almost 30 minutes.

C More than 30 minutes.

D About 60 minutes.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段with customers waiting at least half an hour for tables from midday可知,在旺季,顾客至少要等半个小时。故选C。

4.Why did Yang Xin go to the Shaguoju restaurant when she was a child?

A Because dining here is a daily habit for her.

B Because her grandpa liked it very much.

C Because she lived near to the restaurant.

D Because the restaurant was very famous.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段Yang Xin, a 35-year-old Beijinger, said she first went to the restaurant when she was a child. “My grandpa likes it a lot....”可知,在她还是个孩子的时候,杨欣第一次来这家餐厅是因为爷爷很喜欢它。故选B。

5.What’s the passage mainly about?

A A traditional Beijing dish.

B A restaurant with a long history.

C The daily eating habits in Beijing.

D A restaurant’s manager in Beijing.
