女子探母心切误乘公交车 好心司机绕道送她去目的地
女子探母心切误乘公交车 好心司机绕道送她去目的地

In order to visit her mom at Bradley Manor nursing home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jacqueline Mason had to set a specific time and stick to it. Unfortunately, as she made her way over to the correct part of Belfast, Ireland, she realized she had gotten on the wrong bus. Once she discovered what was going on, she broke down in tears and told Alec Bailey, her bus driver, what had happened. Her story hit his heart, so Alec decided to take a detour to help the mother and daughter reunite! 
“A lot of people have suffered this year and you’ve seen on the news that people are not able to see their mother or their father in the homes, and it just struck a chord with me,” he said. “I just said to myself I have to get this woman as close as I can to that home.” 
Before changing the course, Alec explained the situation to the rest of his passengers. Amazingly, they all agreed that he should take the detour to get Jacqueline to her mom in time! With their support, he moved through traffic as quickly as he could and finally dropped Jacqueline off — just in time for her 30-minute visit! 
Jacqueline found herself in tears again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude! “He has made my Christmas and he has made my year. I can’t thank him enough,” she said. She added that every single passenger on the bus is a hero too! Soon, Alec’s daughter was telling him that she had seen his wonderful act of kindness on the news! Despite all the praise he has gotten since then, only one thing matters to him. “The smile and the joy on her face just said it all and I was just so pleased,” he explained. “It was just a nice, magical moment. It was just the right thing to do.”


1.What’s the matter with Jacqueline Mason?

A She missed the visiting time.

B Her mom was ill at the nursing home.

C She was unlucky to take a wrong bus.

D She forgot to get off the bus at the right place.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Unfortunately, as she made her way over to the correct part of Belfast, Ireland, she realized she had gotten on the wrong bus.可知,当杰奎琳去往爱尔兰贝尔法斯特正确的地方时,她意识到自己上错了公交车,故选C。

2.What does the underlined part probably mean in Paragraph 2?

A It broke me down.

B It hit my heart.

C It reminded me of something.

D It had something to do with myself.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段最后一句Her story hit his heart, so Alec decided to take a detour to help the mother and daughter reunite! 以及第二段“I just said to myself, I have to get this woman as close as I can to that home.”可知,她的故事打动了他的心,于是亚历克决定绕道帮助母女团聚!由此推断struck a chord with与之同义,故选B。

3.How did the passengers respond to the driver’s demand?

A They kept silent.

B They all disagreed.

C Some of them disagreed.

D They all supported him.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第二句Amazingly, they all agreed that he should take the detour to get Jacqueline to her mom in time!可知,车上乘客都同意司机应该绕道去把杰奎琳及时送到她妈妈身边,由此说明乘客都支持司机的做法,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the story?

A Alec had a kind heart as precious as gold.

B Everyone on the bus was delayed for the matter.

C Alec’s daughter was interviewed by the news media.

D Jacqueline realized many good people were around her.
