三年级小学生每天幸福满满 只因老师那可爱的问候
三年级小学生每天幸福满满 只因老师那可爱的问候

Going to school looks quite a bit different during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and teachers have to wear masks and keep social distance(社交距离) in the whole day. But teachers like Mary Schulz of the West Fork School District in Rockwell, Iowa, still miss the daily greetings that help grow their relationship with their kids. One of the things that Mary missed most was her daily greeting each third grade students with a hug, high-five, or handshake. “When we came back, we hadn’t seen each other in so long and the students just wanted to reach out, you could see it,” she said. “It was just kind of awkward. Maybe you will think the ways of greetings are funny.” 
She thought of a clever way to have each of her students come up with a special greeting to start their day off right! Some of them do a dance move, some simply wave, and others have a difficult foot-tap combination. Mary learned all 20 of their special hellos, and now her kids are glad to line up for their daily welcome from Mrs. Mary!
Mary said she has felt more connected with her students since having the daily greetings, and the kids just like it! “We’re just trying to have school life with some fun things,” she added. “It has brought me joy too.” 


1.Mary Schulz often greeted her students with _______.

A a nice gift

B a sign board

C a sweet smile

D an action of welcome

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第四句One of the things Mary missed most was her daily greeting each third grade students with a hug, high-five, or handshake. 可知,玛丽过去每天用拥抱、击掌或握手来问候每一个三年级的学生,故选D。

2.The underlined word “awkward” means _______ in Chinese.

A 自然的

B 尴尬的

C 热情的

D 拘谨的

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段Maybe you will think the ways of greetings are funny.可知,也许你会觉得问候的方式很滑稽,由此推测awkward意为“尴尬的”,故选B。

3.How did Mary learn so many kinds of greetings?

A She learned them on the Internet.

B She learned them from her students.

C She kept thinking every day.

D Her friends told her.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段She thought of a clever way to have each of her students come up with a special greeting to start their day off right!以及Mary learned all 20 of their special hellos...可知,玛丽让三年级的每一个学生都能想出一个特别的问候来开始他们的一天,然后她就学会了20种独特的问候方式,故选B。

4.What did the daily greetings bring about?

A Some students studied harder.

B Students were more friendly to each other.

C Both Mary and students felt very happy.

D Students became more polite to teachers.
