

The Indian and Pakistani winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize have called on political and religious leaders to make children’s rights a priority, and to improve the lives of millions of children of poverty, child labor and lack of education.

Seventeen-year-old Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan was nearly killed by the Taliban two years ago for her advocacy for girls’ education. Sixty-year-old Kailash Satyarthi of India founded a charity that frees child laborers and provides them with training and education.

Satyarthi’s charity operates in 144 countries and has rescued thousands of children, many of them in his home country, India. He said the Nobel Peace Prize has already brought welcome attention on the difficulty of poor, uneducated and enslaved children worldwide.

An alleged Taliban militant shot Malala Yousafzai in the head, but she survived. “There are so many countries where children are not asking for any iPad or computer or anything else," she said. "What they are asking for is just a book and just a pen. So why can’t we do that? Why can’t we just give a book and a pen? Why can’t we just give a school to children, which can really change their future, really change their world?”

Much has been made of the fact that the Nobel Committee gave the Peace Prize to an Indian and a Pakistani, a Hindu and a Muslim. On Tuesday, Satyarthi said he considered Malala his daughter. And Malala said just because India and Pakistan had a border between them, they didn’t have to hate each other.


1.This year’s Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to_________.

A an Indian.

B a Pakistani.

C a Taliban militant.

D both A and B.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一句The Indian and Pakistani winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize…可知,故选D。

2.How old was Malala when she was shot in the head?

A 17

B 15

C 60

D 43

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第2段第一句Seventeen-year-old Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan was nearly killed by the Taliban two years ago…可知,马拉拉现年17岁,她在两年前差点被塔利班分子谋杀,所以那时她15岁。故选B。

3.Which is NOT the purpose that Satyarthi founded a charity?

A Free child laborers.

B Provide children with training.

C Enslave children.

D Provide children with education.

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。enslave为“奴役,使成为奴隶”的意思,既然Satyarthi办的是慈善机构,故不可能让儿童成为奴隶,故选C。

4.Satyarthi is a________.

A Muslim

B Hindu

C Christian

D monk

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。根据第3段…in his home country, India.以及最后一段…a Hindu and a Muslim.可知,故选B。

5.Which is right according to the passage?

A Malala and Satyarthi believe the same god.

B Malala is Satyarthi’s daughter.

C Malala was saved by Satyarthi.

D Malala and Satyarthi both care about children.

解析:选D。D 判断推理题。一个是印度教徒一个是穆斯林,不可能信同一个神,A项错;这两个人来自不同国家,B项错;文中未提到Malala被谁所救,C项不成立;而文章开始就提出两位诺奖得主呼吁关注儿童权利,故选D。