农民夫妇自创“曳步舞”走红网络 舞蹈治愈丈夫多年抑郁症
农民夫妇自创“曳步舞”走红网络 舞蹈治愈丈夫多年抑郁症

A farm is hardly the place where we would expect a new dance craze to begin, but that’s exactly what’s happening in China’s Zhejiang Province! Fan Deduo and Peng Xiaoying live in a rural area with their two children. A few years ago, Fan was in a bad car accident that left him depressed. When a doctor suggested that getting more exercise could raise his spirits, Peng suggested they learn a shuffle dance(曳步舞) together.
The couple learned the “ghost step dance” to get started, and the change in Fan’s mood was quick! He no longer felt scared all the time and was able to open up to his family more. Not to mention, the high-energy moves flooded his body with endorphins(内啡肽), making him feel more optimistic about the world.
Soon, the two of them were dancing every day! As they go about their chores on the farm, they often stop for the best of breaks. “Whenever we feel upset, the shuffle dance always helps cheer us up and lighten our mood. It has been such an uplift in our lives,” Peng said. “I think the main reason why we get so happy when we dance has to do with the idea of our exercising with the shuffle on the ridges. It’s really exciting.”
Peng and Fan created their own version of the moves, which they’re calling the “rural shuffle dance”. Their kids have since gotten in on the action, making these daily dance-offs even better! When they were unable to leave their farm for weeks due to the COVID-19, they started sharing their videos on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. Their posts were a big hit and quickly went viral.


1.Why did the couple think of dancing on the farm?

A Because dance was their favourite.

B Because they followed the doctor’s advice.

C Because they tried to change their life.

D Because they wanted to bring joy to the village.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句When a doctor suggested that getting more exercise could raise his spirits, Peng suggested they learn a shuffle dance(曳步舞) together.可知,当医生建议多运动可以提振他的精神时,彭提议他们一起学跳曳步舞。由此说明这对夫妇是听从了医生的建议才想到跳舞的,故选B。

2.How is the dance therapy to Fan Deduo?

A It is not fit for him.

B It is effective to him.

C It is uncertain to him.

D It is useless to him.


3.The underlined word “uplift” probably means _______.

A depression

B delight

C disappointment

D inspiration

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据文章第三段Whenever we feel upset, the shuffle dance always helps cheer us up and lighten our mood.可知,每当夫妇二人感到不安时,曳步舞总是帮助他们振作起来,使他们放松心情。由此推断uplift意为“激励,鼓舞”,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A There is a lack of entertainment in rural areas.

B The couple have found their own fun in life.

C The shuffle dance can cure some mental illnesses.

D Rural people learn about the world through Douyin.
