12岁自闭症天才少年拍摄“微型汽车世界” 创意作品网络大热
12岁自闭症天才少年拍摄“微型汽车世界” 创意作品网络大热

Like many other 12-year-olds, Anthony Ryan Schmidt loves cars, although his interest runs a bit deeper. For him, they’re a way to calm his mind, which is why he started collecting and photographing realistic model cars in the first place!
Anthony has autism spectrum disorder(自闭症谱系障碍), which has only increased his love for his favorite pastime. These days, he has more than 600 models, ranging from old to new, and he loves every single one of them. They don’t just sit in display cases either; he takes them out, sets them up, and takes photos of them with his iPhone and they are so incredible!
According to Ramona, his mom, Anthony was able to  name the maker and model of pretty much every car by the time he was 2 years old. From there, his collection grew and grew, but it wasn’t until he was 6 that he started taking pictures.
Ramona saw how talented he was, so she began sharing some of his photos on social media. She said everyone freaked out over how realistic they were! So when Anthony was 9, Ramona set him up with his own Instagram, and now he has so many fans that he gets recognized in public!
As his pictures became more and more popular, people started asking him for prints, calendars, and books full of them. That’s when the gifted kid started an online store where people can purchase his work! Thanks to Anthony’s success, his car collection has continued to grow. Fans of his work enjoy sending him models that they come across, and Anthony loves it since it’s unlikely that he will ever feel he has too many of them.
His popularity has also made a positive impact on the ASD community. His passion and focus have led other people on the spectrum and their family members to reach out. Many have said that his photography is an inspiration to them and a reminder of the beauty ASD can bring, and Anthony gets new messages like that every single day! 


1.What has Anthony Ryan Schmidt been fond of?

A Car designs.

B Car collection.

C Model car photography.

D Sharing photos on social media.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句For him, they’re a way to calm his mind, which is why he started collecting and photographing realistic model cars in the first place!可知,对安东尼来说,收集和拍摄逼真的汽车模型是让他平静下来的一种方式,故选C。

2.What can we know about Anthony?

A His mother taught him how to take photos.

B He was familiar with every piece of his collection.

C He was influenced by his father and fell in love with cars.

D He completed a collection of photographic works independently.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段According to Ramona, his mom, Anthony was able to name the make and model of pretty much every car by the time he was 2 years old.可知,安东尼2岁时几乎能说出每辆车的品牌和型号。由此说明安东尼对于他的每件藏品都非常熟悉,故选B。

3.How did Internet users respond to Anthony’s success?

A They aids him to add his collection.

B They all competed to buy his model cars.

C They started a fund-raising activity for him.

D They helped him set up an Instagram account.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段Fans of his work enjoy sending him models that they come across…可知,他作品的粉丝喜欢把他们遇到的模型赠送给他,故选A。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A It seems that photography can cure the ASD.

B The ASD seriously affects social communication.

C No one knows what the ASD people really are thinking about.

D Anthony has aroused people’s attention to the ASD community.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段His popularity has also made a positive impact on the ASD community. His passion and focus have led other people on the spectrum and their family members to reach out.可知,安东尼的声望也对自闭症团体产生了积极的影响。他的热情和专注让其他人和他们的家庭成员伸出援手。由此推断安东尼引起了人们对自闭症团体的关注,选D。