印度9岁女孩做开颅手术 全程清醒弹琴打游戏
印度9岁女孩做开颅手术 全程清醒弹琴打游戏

A nine-year-old girl Saumya had a brain operation while wide awake and playing mobile games and the piano for six hours to remove a tumour(肿瘤). The video shows Saumya fully awake during the risky operation at the Birla Hospital in the Indian city of Gwalior.
In the video, the young girl can be seen lying on the table in the operating theatre with a large blue sheet covering her head. She is showing off her musical skills as her fingers move across the keys. The camera then turns to the doctors who are operating on her brain behind the scenes.
Dr Abhishek Chauhan, who performed the operation with his team, said the patient played the piano for at least six hours, and also played mobile games. The method is known as an awake brain operation. The patient remains awake during the operation because the tumour could be near parts of the brain that control vision, movement and speech.
“This operation was important and we had heard that we can successfully operate the patient with the use of the musical instrument by diverting her mind,” said Dr Abhishek Chauhan. “So we did the same. As a result, the girl is fine now.”


1.What didn’t happen in the operation?

A Saumya stayed awake.

B Saumya had a good rest.

C Saumya played the piano.

D Saumya played mobile games.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句A nine-year-old girl Saumya had a brain operation while wide awake and playing mobile games and the piano for six hours to remove a tumour(肿瘤).可知,女孩在清醒的时候做了脑部手术,期间玩手机游戏和演奏钢琴,文中未提及她在好好休息,故选B。

2.How long did Saumya play the piano?

A For at least 5 hours.

B For at least 6 hours.

C For at most 5 hours.

D For at most 6 hours.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句Dr Abhishek Chauhan, who performed the operation with his team, said the patient played the piano for at least six hours, and also played mobile games.可知,女孩至少弹了6小时的钢琴,故选B。

3.Why did the doctors keep Saumya awake?

A To help her recover soon.

B To reduce the operation time.

C To try a new operation method.

D To avoid the risk of brain damage.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句The video shows Saumya fully awake during the risky operation at the Birla Hospital in the Indian city of Gwalior.以及第三段最后一句The patient remains awake during the operation because the tumour could be near parts of the brain that control vision, movement and speech.可知,病人在手术中保持清醒,因为肿瘤可能靠近控制视觉、运动和语言的大脑部分。由此推断医生之所以这么做的原因是为了避免脑损伤的风险,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Saumya’s operation was a great success.

B The brain operation almost failed.

C The patient lost control during the operation.

D Dr Abhishek Chauhan once had a similar operation.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,医生阿比谢克·查奥汉(Abhishek Chauhan)听说过他们可以通过使用乐器来转移病人的注意力,成功地给病人动手术,医生最终用此方法移除了女孩的脑瘤,女孩现在好了,由此说明该手术取得了巨大的成功,故选A。