
Hello! I am Linda. I am my mother’s second daughter, and I have a lovely sister, Amy. Her birthday is on May 25th, and my birthday is on December 25th. It is Christmas Day. My mother always buys some presents for our birthdays every year. She bought a toy rabbit for my first birthday, a story book for my second birthday, a teddy bear for my third birthday, a pretty dress and a hat for my fourth and fifth birthday. Last year, my mother bought a pair of skate shoes for me. What is for my seventh birthday? I don’t know. I hope it will be a bathing suit.

1.When is Amy’s birthday?

A On May 25th.

B On December 25th.

C On Christmas Day.

D On November 25th.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据I am my mother’s second daughter, and I have a lovely sister, Amy. Her birthday is on May 25th...可知,艾米的生日在5月25日,故选A。

2.Linda got _______ for her second birthday.

A a toy rabbit

B a story book

C a teddy bear

D a nice dress

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据She bought a toy rabbit for my first birthday, a story book for my second birthday可知,琳达两岁生日礼物是一本故事书,故选B。

3.What did Linda get for her sixth birthday?

A A teddy bear.

B A toy rabbit

C A pair of skate shoes.

D A toy rabbit.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据Last year, my mother bought a pair of skate shoes for me. 可知,去年,琳达收到一双溜冰鞋,也就是她的6岁生日礼物,故选C。

4.On Linda’s seventh birthday, what will she get?

A A bathing suit.

B A pair of skate shoes.

C A nice dress.

D We don’t know.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据What is for my seventh birthday? I don’t know. I hope it will be a bathing suit.可知,我们并不知道琳达的7岁生日礼物是什么,故选D。