美国阿雷西博望远镜坍塌 007《黄金眼》曾在此取景
美国阿雷西博望远镜坍塌 007《黄金眼》曾在此取景

People built a big telescope(望远镜) in 1963. The telescope is in Puerto Rico. People use telescopes to watch things far away. Many scientists from all over the world use the telescope in Puerto Rico. They study the earth’s atmosphere with it. They study stars and galaxies with it. They look for life on other planets, too.
Now the telescope is old and broken. Officials plan to destroy it. Scientists are not happy about it. Then something happens. The telescope breaks completely.
The telescope is very special. It looked very modern in 1963. People can see it in many films and games. It is in a famous scene from a 1995 James Bond film.


1.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A Where the telescope is.

B When the telescope was built.

C How much the telescope cost.

D What people use the telescope for.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段People built a big telescope (望远镜) in 1963. The telescope is in Puerto Rico. People use telescopes to watch things far away. 可知,1963年人们建造了一架大型望远镜。望远镜在波多黎各,人们用望远镜观察远处的事物。文中未提及该望远镜花了多少钱,故选C。

2.Scientists usually use the telescope NOT to _______.

A study stars

B study the moon

C look for life in space

D study the earth’s atmosphere

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段They study the earth’s atmosphere with it. They study stars and galaxies with it. They look for life on other planets, too.可知,科学家们用它研究地球的大气层,他们用它研究恒星和星系,他们也在其他星球上搜寻生命。他们并未用它来研究月球,故选B。

3.Why are scientists not happy?

A Because they cannot see the telescope.

B Because officials want to break the telescope.

C Because officials changed a new telescope.

D Because they have no time to repair the telescope.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段Now the telescope is old and broken. Officials plan to destroy it.可知,现在望远镜破旧不堪,官方计划摧毁它,科学家们对此感到不高兴,故选B。

4.How is the telescope now?

A It doesn’t work.

B It looks modern.

C It is often in the films.

D It becomes a famous place.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句The telescope breaks completely.可知,望远镜完全坏了,故选A。