
Phil Heckels, 38, a dad from Worthing in England has raised more than $20,000 for charity after his silly drawings of people's pets went viral on social media. He shared his first portrait(肖像) of his family's dog 6 weeks ago to inspire his son to make a thank-you card. He posted the photo of his "crap" drawing on Facebook with a message offering to sell it for £299, which was just a joke at the time.
By the end of the day he had seven requests from friends who wanted a drawing of their own pets, and within days he was busy with requests from people all over. So, he set up the Facebook page "Pet Portraits By Hercule" and explained that the portraits are free. He is only asking for donations to Turning Tides, a local homelessness charity.
"And please remember, this is not a job or business for me. It’s just something I’m doing for a bit of fun to raise money for charity," he wrote on his page. "The pictures are free. All I ask for is a donation to the charity Turning Tides Ending Local Homelessness. The donation can be whatever you are comfortable with and please do not donate more than you can easily afford." 
So far, Phil Heckels has collected more than $23,000. He has already drawn over 200 portraits but says he has more than 1,000 requests backed up. "I'm just having a laugh with it," Heckels said. "People seem to be enjoying it and I'm certainly enjoying it."

1.Phil Heckels’s drawings about _______ were popular on the Internet.

A artists

B his son

C the pets

D charity workers

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Phil Heckels, 38,  a dad from Worthing in England has raised more than $20,000 for charity after his silly drawings of people's pets went viral on social media.可知,菲尔·赫克鲁为慈善事业筹集了超过2万美元的善款,此前他画的人们的宠物可笑画作走红社交媒体,故选C。

2.Why did Phil Heckels share his first drawing online?

A To make fun of his friends.

B To help his son make a card.

C To raise money for a charity.

D To increase the number of his fans.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句He shared his first portrait of his family's dog 6 weeks ago to inspire his son to make a thank-you card.可知,菲尔·赫克鲁分享他第一张家中狗狗的肖像是为了激励儿子制作感恩卡,故选B。

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Phil Heckels?

A He sells portraits to his friends.

B He set up his own charity in the local areas.

C His pet portraits are always in short supply.

D His story was widely reported on social media.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句By the end of the day he had seven requests from friends who wanted a drawing of their own pets, and within days he was busy with requests from people all over.以及最后一段第二句He has already drawn over 200 portraits but says he has more than 1,000 requests backed up.可知,一天结束时,他收到了7个朋友的请求,要求画宠物肖像,几天之内他就忙着处理来自各地的人的请求。他已经画了200多幅肖像画,但他说已经备份了1000多个请求,由此推断他的宠物肖像画处于供不应求的状态,故选C。

4.How did Phil Heckels feel about his work?

A He was too tired.

B He just enjoyed it.

C He felt a little sad.

D He was never satisfied with it.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段People seem to be enjoying it and I'm certainly enjoying it.可知,人们似乎对此很享受,菲尔·赫克鲁当然也很享受。由此说明他对他的绘画创作乐此不疲,故选B。