忠诚小马和小主人成好朋友 心灵契合赢得马展蓝丝带
忠诚小马和小主人成好朋友 心灵契合赢得马展蓝丝带

Some friendships are simply meant to be! Bella Dunseath of England comes from a family of equestrians(马术). From the moment she was born, she was surrounded by horses of all shapes, sizes, and colors, but none has loved her more than a little horse Verity.
Verity has been watching over Bella in some ways since day one. Bella’s mom often shares pictures and videos of their lovely relationship on Instagram, but it all started when Verity gave Bella her first quick look when Bella was a little baby.
As Bella got older, she continued to spend all her free time with Verity learning to ride Verity when she was just out of diapers. To others’ surprise, Verity was always patient with her little friend, no matter how much the child pulled her mane(马鬃) or climbed onto her back.
Just a few years later, the two of them won blue ribbons at horse shows! The 6-year-old girl has become a wonderful rider because of how confident she feels on the top of her best friend. Now, they easily fly over jumps, two souls moving together as one! Their friendship is so beautiful to see. 


1.What can we know about Bella Dunseath?

A She was born in a farming family.

B She was given a horse as a present.

C She makes friends with a little horse.

D She loves all the horses in her family.


2.Verity started friendship with Bella _______.

A when Verity saw Bella for the first time

B after Bella gave Verity something to eat

C when Bella’s mother took a photo for them

D after Bella learned how to walk with Verity

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Bella’s mom often shares pictures and videos of their lovely relationship on Instagram, but it all started when Verity gave Bella her first quick look when Bella was a little baby.可知,贝拉的妈妈经常在Instagram上分享他们可爱关系的照片和视频,但这一切都始于贝拉还是个小宝宝的时候,维蒂第一次看了一眼贝拉,故选A。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Bella sometimes had to be away from Verity.

B Verity was very kind to Bella all the time.

C Verity always showed impatience with Bella.

D Verity taught Bella how to ride in her free time.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三句最后一句To others’ surprise, Verity was always patient with her little friend, no matter how much the child pulled her mane or climbed onto her back. 可知, 维蒂对她的小朋友总是很有耐心,不管孩子怎么拽她的鬃毛或爬到她的背上,由此看出维蒂一直对贝拉很好,故选B。

4.The last paragraph tells us that _______.

A Bella no longer felt afraid on Verity’s back

B Bella and Verity kept winning at horse shows

C Bella’s riding skills improved with hard work

D the friendship brought Bella and Verity sweet fruit
