
Stephen Ellison of Newcastle, England, wears many hats, from diplomat to triathlete and hero. The 61-year-old recently became the consul general(总领事) in Chongqing, where he was on top of navigating trade agreements between Britain and China, and he just saved a life!
On November 14, Ellison was taking a walk near a local river when he heard a sudden crowd noise near the water. A college student had slipped and fallen in while taking pictures, and it was clear she couldn’t swim.
Many onlookers watched as she fought the water, but nobody moved to help until Ellison threw off his shoes and jumped in! He swam over to the 24-year-old student, who was face down in the water at that point. Fortunately, someone found a life buoy(救生圈) and threw it to Ellison, which he used to keep the student’s head above the surface. He then pulled her to a shallow spot, and other people teamed up to lift her onto dry land.
Thanks to Ellison’s quick actions and the community’s support, she’s going to be OK! “She was unconscious. She was not breathing, and for a short time we feared the worst,” Ellison said. “But as we got back to the side, she started breathing again.”
While she was shaken, the woman couldn’t be more grateful. She even invited him to dinner with her family to thank him! She thought that’s the least that she could do for the man who saved her life! While Ellison said he wasn’t a hero, people around the world were saying otherwise! As one person put it on social media, “You’d call such a person a knight in the UK; in China we call him a hero.”


1.What brings Stephen Ellison to the public notice?

A He owns a number of titles.

B He is a hero of saving one’s life.

C He has the responsibility for foreign affairs.

D He deals with the trade between Britain and China.


2._______ arrested Ellison’s attention while walking.

A An unusual noise

B A quick moving crowd

C A woman's voice crying for help

D The sound of falling into the water

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句On November 14, Ellison was taking a walk near a local river when he heard a sudden crowd noise near the water. 可知,埃里森在当地一条河流附近散步时,突然听到水面附近人群的嘈杂声,故选A。

3.Which is the right order according to Paragraph 3? ① Someone threw a life buoy in water. ② The student struggled in the water. ③ Onlookers worked together to save the student. ④ Ellison jumped into the water regardless of danger.

A ①④②③

B ②③①④

C ①②④③

D ②④①③


4.What came to her mind when the student woke up?

A To thank everyone saving her life heartedly.

B To share the lifesaving story on social media.

C To sincerely invite Ellison to have dinner together.

D To write a letter of thanks to Ellison’s workplace.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句While she was shaken, the woman couldn’t be more grateful. She even invited him to dinner with her family to thank him! 可知,虽然女大学生受到了惊吓,但她非常感激。她甚至邀请埃里森和家人共进晚餐来感谢他,故选C。