
A first grade teacher in Michigan is being praised for her efforts that helped save the life of her student’s grandmother.
Julia Koch was teaching her class at Edgewood Elementary School when she received a call from a grandmother Cynthia Phillips who was having technical problems with her granddaughter's computer. But Koch noticed a more serious problem — the slurring in the woman's speech. "It was clear there was something very wrong. Her words were so jumbled, and I couldn't understand what she was trying to say," Koch said. "She didn't sound like herself."
Koch quickly reported it to the school principal, Charlie Lovelady, who called 911. Phillips was having a stroke(中风), and while she remains in hospital, she is expected to survive. "I knew the symptoms(症状) of a stroke because I lost my father from a stroke so I told her hold on," Koch said. While she is still at the hospital, Phillips said she is slowly recovering. "Thank you for saving my life," Phillips said. "If it weren't for them getting me the help I needed, I would've just not been here."
"I am very proud of both Ms. Koch and Mr. Lovelady, their quick actions and the energy that they have poured into relationships with students and families during this new way of education are making a positive difference in the lives of our students and their families," Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System Superintendent Rané Garcia said in a statement.


1.Julia Koch found there was something wrong with ________.

A the computer

B the grandmother’s phone

C the grandmother’s speech

D the phone voice

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句But Koch noticed a more serious problem — the slurring in the woman's speech. 可知,科赫注意到了一个更严重的问题——那位女士说话含糊不清,故选C。

2.What did Ms. Koch do first after the call was over?

A She called 911.

B She told a local hospital.

C She warned Phillips of the danger.

D She contacted Charlie Lovelady.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句Koch quickly reported it to the school principal, Charlie Lovelady, who called 911. 可知,科赫很快向学校校长查理·洛夫莱德报告了此事,对方拨打了911,故选D。

3.Why was Ms. Koch able to judge Phillips’ physical condition?

A Because she suffered a stroke before.

B Because she knew the first aid knowledge.

C Because she also worked as a school medical worker.

D Because she learned something from her father’s death.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段I knew the symptoms(症状) of a stroke because I lost my father from a stroke...可知,科赫了解中风的症状,因为她的父亲死于中风,故选D。

4._______ saved Phillips’s life according to the last paragraph.

A The quick minds

B The working spirit

C The teamwork rescue

D The sense of serving others
