
China has temporarily banned entry to most British residents over the coronavirus, along with non-Chinese citizens of other nations showing higher infection rates. As COVID-19 begins cresting anew around the globe, China has banned travelers from the U.K., Belgium, India and the Philippines, as well as France.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, China has decided to temporarily suspend entry into China by non-Chinese nationals in the U.K. holding visas or residence permits still valid at the time of this announcement,” the Chinese Embassy in the U.K. said in a statement.
The announcement comes as Britain descends into a second lockdown for the year, this one running four weeks and starting on Thursday. With more than a million cases and about 48,000 deaths, it’s among the hardest-hit countries in the world.
Similar statements came out of the embassies in Belgium, with the highest infection rate in Europe, and in the Philippines, which has confirmed the highest number of cases in southeast Asia. Deaths are spiking in both the U.K. and France, edging closer to springtime figures along with hospitalizations related to COVID-19.
The move goes hand-in-hand with tighter testing measures for people arriving from several other countries. The announcement caught British officials unawares. “We are concerned by the abruptness of the announcement and the blanket ban on entry, and await further clarification on when it will be lifted,” the British Chamber of Commerce in China said in a statement obtained by Reuters. Chinese officials called it a “temporary measure” based purely on changes in the course of the pandemic, and reemphasized that point on Thursday. “China has referred to the practices of many countries and adjusted its approach to relevant people coming to China based on changes in the pandemic situation,” Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. “This is reasonable and consistent with international practice, and I believe people can understand it.”


1.Who cannot temporarily enter China according to the new statement?

A Travelers from the US.

B Tourists from Japan.

C Foreigners in southeast Asia.

D Travelers from the Philippines.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段As COVID-19 begins cresting anew around the globe, China has banned travelers from the U.K., Belgium, India and the Philippines, as well as France.可以得知随着新冠肺炎疫情在全球重新抬头,中国已经禁止来自英国、比利时、印度、菲律宾以及法国的游客入境,故选D。

2.Why did Britain start a second lockdown?

A Because of the announcement of China.

B Because of the higher infection rates.

C Because of the dropped cases.

D Because of the out-of-date visas.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第二句With more than a million cases and about 48,000 deaths, it’s among the hardest-hit countries in the world让英国第二次封闭的原因是该国的高发病率,故选B。

3.What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

A Many countries suffered from the high infection rate.

B The UK and France will enjoy their springtime freely.

C The figures of hospitalizations aren’t related to COVID-19.

D Europe and Philippines are also preparing the same statement.

解析:选A。主旨大意题。根据文章第四段第一句with the highest infection rate in Europe, and in the Philippines可以得知该段主要讲述很多国家面临着新冠病毒感染激增的困境,故选A。

4.What did Wang Wenbin think of China’s practices?

A It was reasonable.

B It was valuable.

C It was ridiculous.

D It was interesting.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“This is reasonable and consistent with international practice, and I believe people can understand it可以得知发言人认为中国的做法是合理的,故选A。