
Gordon Wayne walked more than 500 miles on foot to raise money for The National Alliance to End Homelessness, a cause that Wayne has been affected by personally. "Every time I want to quit, I just think about the people I'm doing this for and this is bigger than myself and I have to keep going," Wayne told World News Tonight.
A year ago, Wayne was homeless and applying to colleges out of his car while he worked 10-hour shifts at an amusement park. Over the summer, Wayne found out he had been accepted to his dream school—Boston College—on full scholarship. In an effort to recognize an estimated 500,000 Americans affected by homelessness, Wayne decided to walk from his hometown in Caroline County, Virginia, to his college in Massachusetts.
Along with his journey, Wayne started a GoFundMe page that has since raised more than $100,000 for The National Alliance to End Homelessness. "I'm taking a break. I just walked for about 10 miles straight," Wayne recorded in a video diary for World News Tonight.
Even though the exhaustion, he did not give up and found support from good Samaritans along the way. "Today, Ashley and her mom brought me some supplies," Wayne said in a recording. After a 16-day journey, Wayne marched through the Boston College stadium.
"I'd like to welcome you to the most beautiful campus in the universe: Boston College," Wayne shared with World News Tonight. Now on campus, Wayne said that he's finally home. He told World News Tonight that he hopes others will have that same chance. "I hope that I can inspire people to keep walking. You know, keep taking that extra step," he said. "Even when it hurts, even when it's hard and you don't want to. You have to keep going if you want to achieve what you want in life."

1.What encouraged Gordon Wayne to continue his course?

A The National Alliance to End Homelessness.

B Boston College.

C His own conscience.

D His education.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句Every time I want to quit, I just think about the people I'm doing this for and this is bigger than myself可以得知是他自己的良心让他继续这份事业的,故选C。

2.How did Wayne decide to go to Boston College?

A In his car.

B By train.

C By plane.

D On foot.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Wayne decided to walk from his hometown in Caroline County, Virginia, to his college in Massachusetts可以得知Wayne决定步行去上学,故选D。

3.What is the aim for Wayne’s walking to Boston College?

A To make Boston College famous.

B To look for his dream college.

C To collect money for the homeless.

D To set up an amusement park.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句的Wayne started a GoFundMe page that has since raised more than $100,000 for The National Alliance to End Homelessness可以得知他步行沿途来筹集善款帮助那些无家可归的人,故选C。

4.What did Wayne think of his walking?

A Useless.

B Worthwhile.

C Tiresome.

D Interesting.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句You have to keep going if you want to achieve what you want in life可以得知在Wayne看来,此次步行是非常值得的,故选B。