
The risk of the COVID-19 is growing in winter. Here are some tips for protecting yourselves against the COVID-19 in winter.
Avoid getting together
We should limit the number of people allowed into public places such as cinemas; keep away from each other at least 1 meter when getting together; wear a mask at crowed public places.
Keeping clean
Keep your room clean; open windows often to keep the air of the house fresh. Wash hands with running water and soap after returning from public places, before eating and after using the restroom. Don't touch eyes, mouth or nose with dirty hands. Cover nose and mouth when coughing; don't go to crowded places when sick.
Fresh and frozen meat should be fully cleaned; keep the cooked and uncooked food apart. Use serving chopsticks and spoons at restaurants. 
Daily exercise could keep our body healthy. Exercise can make our heart and lungs stronger. Avoid catching a cold; sleep well. Don’t stay up too late. It’s bad for our body.
Be careful
When you feel sick such as a runny nose, fever or coughing, go to hospital for treatment right away, and don't take medicines without asking a doctor for advice.
Drink more water
Drinking water helps keep the nose wet in dry weather and provides protection against viruses.


1.Which is NOT necessary at public places for protecting yourselves against the COVID-19?

A To limit the number of people.

B To keep silent all the time.

C To stay away at least 1 meter.

D To wear a mask.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一个建议Avoid getting together的内容可知,在公共场所要限制人数、保持一米以上的距离和戴口罩,但没有说要始终保持沉默,故选B。

2.When must we wash our hands? ①After returning from public places. ②When coughing. ③After using the restroom. ④Before eating.

A ①②③

B ①②④

C ①③④

D ②③④

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二个建议Keeping clean中的Wash hands with running water and soap after returning from public places, before eating and after using the restroom.可知,从公共场所回来、吃饭前和上完洗手间后要洗手,故选C。

3.If you have a runny nose, fever or coughing, you should _______.

A stay at home

B drink more water

C take medicines soon

D go to see a doctor at once

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五个建议Be careful中的When you feel sick such as a runny nose, fever or coughing, go to hospital for treatment right away可知,当你流鼻涕、发烧或咳嗽时,要立即去医院接受治疗,故选D。

4.What can we know from the passage?

A We should eat at home instead of at restaurants.

B Exercise is good for our heart and lungs.

C Sleeping too much is also bad for our body.

D We should drink more water in summer than in winter.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四个建议Exercise的Exercise can make our heart and lungs stronger.可知,锻炼对心脏和肺有好处,故选B。

5.We can read this article from _______.

A a healthy magazine

B a tour guide book

C a sports report

D a story book
