白浪出演电影《夺冠》 神还原母亲郎平
白浪出演电影《夺冠》 神还原母亲郎平

In June 2019, acting teacher Li Yadi flew to San Francisco for a special task. He had to train an actress who never before appear in front of the camera. However, the actress, Bai Lang was planned to play a leading role in volleyball-themed movie, Leap(《夺冠》). 
The role Bai was set to act was Lang Ping, her biological mother, a famous name in China. She was one of the greatest volleyball players of all time. She won a gold medal for the country as a player at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and then again as a coach at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
Director Chan told Li that he couldn't even think of another person to play the young Lang Ping in the movie. "She looks like her mother and for most people accept her as Lang Ping," said Chan. In the movie we can also see a wonderful performance by well-known actress Gong Li, who played the role of the adult Lang Ping.
Li believes that it was a good decision to have Bai and other players from the Chinese women's team to play in the movie. "They may have no acting experience but they've been through all the training and hardship necessary to achieve success. That experience is beyond a professional actress."  


1.Why did Li Yadi fly to San Francisco?

A To look for an actress for the movie Leap.

B To play a leading role in the movie Leap.

C To train an actress with no experience at all.

D To help Bai Lang find her biological mother.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段的He had to train an actress who never before appear in front of the camera.可知,他必须训练一位以前从未在镜头前出现过的女演员,故选C。

2.Which is NOT true about Lang Ping?

A She was very famous in China.

B She was Bai Lang’s biological mother.

C She was one of the greatest volleyball players of all time.

D She won a gold medal as a player at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段She won a gold medal for the country as a player at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and then again as a coach at the 2016 Rio Olympics.可知,她作为运动员为国夺金牌是在1984年,而不是2016年,故选D。

3.Who played the role of the adult Lang Ping?

A Bai Lang.

B Gong Li.

C Li Yadi.

D Director Chan.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段In the movie we can also see a wonderful performance by well-known actress Gong Li, who played the role of the adult Lang Ping.可知扮演成年郎平的是巩俐,故选B。

4.What did Li think of Bai Lang’s performing in the movie?

A She was better than professional actresses.

B She needed more acting experience.

C She just looked like Lang Ping.

D She was a professional actress.
