10岁男孩售卖“丑南瓜” 挣的钱全部捐给癌症协会
10岁男孩售卖“丑南瓜” 挣的钱全部捐给癌症协会

Did you know that in order to grow strange-looking pumpkins, you have to plant seeds from some rotting pumpkins first? When 10-year-old Charlie Jones of Jamestown, Indiana, learned this, he was inspired to grow his own “ugly pumpkins”. He put in the work to gather, clean, and plant those seeds and decided to sell his crop just in time for fall!
While ugly pumpkins aren’t usually the first to go, Charlie had no problem getting customers to buy his. After all, they knew the proceeds were going to support their county cancer society! At first, the curious boy didn’t set out to give back. His family caught the COVID-19, and with everything in lockdown, he needed a way to pass the time.
His efforts paid off because he ended up with a lot of money! When the time came to sell them, his mom Corrie did some advertising on Facebook, but she didn’t expect his crop to become popular. “This was just amazing, truly amazing, people lining up for ugly pumpkins,” Charlie said later. Within a few weeks, his unusual pumpkins helped him raise $720! At that point, he and his mom went to Boone County Cancer Society and donated all the money to them.
Not only was his donation a testament to his kind heart, but it was also very helpful to the organization. The director said the fund-raising activity has been difficult for them because of COVID-19, so Charlie’s donation made a big difference. Best of all, he plans to do it all over again next year! In his words, “The people don’t stop having cancer, so why should I stop selling pumpkins?”


1.Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “proceeds”?

A Efforts.

B Earnings.

C Pumpkins.

D Customers.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据下文donated all the money to them可知,查理努力收集、清理和播种这些种子,并决定在秋天前卖掉他的收成,所赚得的钱用来支持癌症协会,故proceeds与earnings意思相近,意为“收入”,故选B。

2.Why did Charlie grow ugly pumpkins in the beginning?

A To kill the time.

B To make a living.

C To play a trick on customers.

D To support their county cancer society.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句His family caught the COVID-19, and with everything in lockdown, he needed a way to pass the time.可知,他的家人感染了这种新型冠状病毒,在一切都处于封锁状态的情况下,他需要一种方式去消磨时间,故选A。

3.How did Charlie sell his pumpkins?

A Through the local market.

B Through his classmates.

C Through the advertisement.

D Through Boone County Cancer Society.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段When the time came to sell them, his mom Corrie did some advertising on Facebook... 可知,到了出售它们的时候,他的妈妈科莉在Facebook上做了一些广告,故选C。

4.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A People suffered a lot because of the cancer.

B Charlie has decided to sell pumpkins in a new way.

C Selling pumpkins needs a lot of time and energy.

D Charlie will continue his donation to the Cancer Society.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段倒数第二一句 Best of all, he plans to do it all over again next year! 可知,最棒的是,他计划明年再做一次!由此推断查理将继续为癌症协会捐款,故选D。