
A homeless man left a donation(捐款)at the Oregon Historical Society(OHS)after the building was damaged during a bad time on Sunday evening. 
Executive Director of the OHS Kerry Tymchuk said a napkin(餐巾纸) was dropped off at the front desk with a note and a one dollar bill: "Hello, I'm homeless, so I don't have much to give you. Just some of my bottle collecting money. But I saw your windows got broken and I wanted to help. You once gave me a free tour before. So, this is a thank you." 
Tymchuk says they've received donations all morning towards repairs, but none more special than this. "We've been lucky to receive many donations to OHS over the years—some upwards a million or more dollars," he said. "No donation means more to me and to the society than this dollar donation from Oscar."

1.What happened to the OHS?

A Its wall needs repairing.

B Someone donated money to it.

C A homeless man broke into it.

D It helped many people before.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段A homeless man left a donation(捐款)at the Oregon Historical Society(OHS)可知,一名无家可归者在俄勒冈州历史学会留下了一笔捐款,故选B。

2.Tymchuk found a note _______.

A at the door

B under a window

C at the front desk

D in front of the gate

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Executive Director of the OHS Kerry Tymchuk said a napkin(餐巾纸) was dropped off at the front desk with a note and a one dollar bill…可知,前台放了一张纸巾,含便条和一美元的钞票,故选C。

3.Why was the homeless man thankful?

A Because the OHS gave him a free tour.

B Because the OHS offered him some food.

C Because the OHS bought things for him.

D Because the OHS gave money to him.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段You once gave me a free tour before.可知,俄勒冈州历史学会之前带这名无家可归者免费参观过,故选A。

4.What can we know from the passage?

A Tymchuk told this story to the society.

B The homeless man’s true name was Oscar.

C Many people were ready to donate money.

D The donation was meaningful to Tymchuk.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段No donation means more to me and to the society than this dollar donation from Oscar.可知,对廷楚克和学会来说,没有比奥斯卡的这一美元捐款意义深远了,故选D。