男子背着残疾女子登顶奥林匹斯山 让她梦想成真!
男子背着残疾女子登顶奥林匹斯山 让她梦想成真!

Marios Giannakou had already climbed to the top of Mt. Olympus 50 times, but he says his 51st trip is his most memorable and meaningful. That’s because he spent more than 10 hours climbing up the mountain with a woman, Eleftheria Tosiou, on his back.
Eleftheria is 22 years old and has always dreamed of seeing the peak of Mt. Olympus but she’s been unable to make the hike by herself due to a disability that affects her mobility. So, when she shared this dream with Marios, he stepped up to help her make her dreams come true. 
Marios didn’t need to train for the hike, because he has an amazing sport record. From running a 93-mile race in Antarctica to hiking more than 160 miles in the Al Marmoum Desert, he was already in shape and ready for the new challenge. About a month after the two met and began planning their adventure, they were off!
Eleftheria rode on Marios’ back in a special carrier that is designed specifically for long hikes. The pair were joined by eight guides and they all stopped to make camp and rest about halfway through before finishing up the more than 10-hour hike to the highest peak, which is more than 9,000 feet up.
Eleftheria was obviously excited to be able to live out her dream, but Marios seemed to have been equally affected by the adventure. He said, “For me, all international races, the medals and the achievements so far, mean little compared to that goal.”
The pair, and their guides, successfully made their descent back down Mt. Olympus, and have a wonderful story to tell. After it was all over, Marios said of the success, “There is nothing more real than the dream.” Hopefully, this means that this hike was just the first of many adventures they will go on together.


1.What can we learn about the trip to the top of Mt. Olympus?

A Marios has tried 50 times to prepare this special trip.

B It left Marios and Eleftheria an unforgettable impression.

C Marios and Eleftheria kept training for a month before.

D Eleftheria has never been more successful than the trip.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句Marios Giannakou had already climbed to the top of Mt. Olympus 50 times, but he says his 51st trip is his most memorable and meaningful.可知,马里奥斯·吉安纳库已经50次登顶奥林匹斯山,但他说,他的第51次旅程是他最难忘和最有意义的,由此推断这次登上给他留下了难忘的印象,故选B。

2.Why did Marios Giannakou climb Mt. Olympus with Eleftheria Tosiou?

A To keep his promise.

B To take on a new challenge.

C To help her realize her dream.

D To inspire the disabled to be confident.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句So, when she shared this dream with Marios, he stepped up to help her make her dreams come true.可知,马里奥斯帮助埃莱夫塞里娅实现她的梦想,故选C。

3.What can we know about Marios?

A He was afraid to carry Eleftheria at first.

B He had been an experienced hiker.

C He never stopped to rest on the halfway.

D He would go on a second adventure with Eleftheria.


4.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A Marios thought what he did was the best thing to do.

B Marios learned more from this adventure than before.

C Marios couldn't look back on the journey he had taken.

D Marios came across the difficulty he had never experienced.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段…but he says his 51st trip is his most memorable and meaningful.和第五段…but Marios seemed to have been equally affected by the adventure.以及最后一段There is nothing more real than the dream.可知,马里奥斯表示这次登山活动是他最难忘和最有意义的一次活动,他因此也深受影响,他认为没有什么比梦想更真实的了,所有的国际比赛,奖牌和成就,与这个目标相比意义不大。由此推断他认为他所做的是最值得做的事情,故选A。