可爱海豹跳上桨板“搭便车” 和冲浪者顺河而下
可爱海豹跳上桨板“搭便车” 和冲浪者顺河而下

When a wild animal comes near to someone while they’re enjoying time in nature, the typical advice is to avoid interacting with them and respect that humans are visitors in their space. But what if they are very friendly and decide to say hi?
That’s exactly what happened to Daren Ford and Kerrie Rocket when they were hanging out on paddleboards(桨板) in West Sussex, England, one day. They had no idea they were being followed by a curious seal until he plopped himself on a board and joined them for a ride! Apparently, the little guy is well-known in the area where Daren and Kerrie were. In fact, he’s so popular that he’s even been given a name: Gavin. 
Since Kerrie and Daren had never come across Gavin before, they were a little scared when he first hopped on Daren’s board. In a video of the meeting, Daren jokingly says, “If he bites my toe, I’m jumping in.” Of course, Gavin wasn’t trying to hurt anyone! He just lounged around with Daren until he decided it was time to try Kerrie’s board instead. Without any hesitation, the cute seal slipped into the water and helped himself to a new seat. And he just kept going! “To our amazement, the seal just started going from one board to another, jumping on and relaxing,” Kerrie said.
None of the humans knew quite what to do until they had some time to process the meeting. “It was an amazing experience, but it never really sank in until we got home and realized how rare this actually happens,” she added.
What a lucky group! We’re so glad they got to see the wonder that is Gavin and ended up sharing it with the world!


1.Wildlife is usually advised _______ when they met with humans.

A not to enter their area

B to keep away from them

C to treat them as family members

D to protect their living area

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句When a wild animal comes near to someone while they’re enjoying time in nature, the typical advice is to avoid interacting with them and respect that humans are visitors in their space.可知,正当人们在享受大自然的时光时,一只野生动物走近某人,典型的建议是避免与人类互动,尊重人类在他们的空间里是访客,故选B。

2.What can we learn about the seal?

A He escaped from the local zoo.

B He often gets out of the water suddenly.

C He has become a famous star on social media.

D He likes making himself at home on paddleboards.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段Of course, Gavin wasn’t trying to hurt anyone! He just lounged around with Daren until he decided it was time to try Kerrie’s board instead.可知,海豹加文不想伤害任何人!他只是懒洋洋躺在达伦身边,直到他决定是时候试试凯丽的桨板了,由此说明海豹喜欢无拘无束待在桨板上,故选D。

3.How did Kerrie and Daren feel when Gavin kept changing the seat?

A Angry.

B Curious.

C Surprised.

D Frightened.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“To our amazement, the seal just started going from one board to another, jumping on and relaxing,” Kerrie said.可知,令凯丽他们惊讶的是,海豹只是开始从一块板跳到另一块板,跳上去放松一下,故选C。

4.Why did Gavin repeat the action he liked?

A Because he just had fun with humans.

B Because it is the seal’s natural habit.

C Because it could make him healthy and strong.

D No proper explanation was mentioned in the passage.
