英国11岁男孩徒步穿越4个国家 只想给奶奶一个拥抱
英国11岁男孩徒步穿越4个国家 只想给奶奶一个拥抱

A boy of 11 spent 93 days walking 1,700 miles from Sicily, Italy to London, the UK with his father so he could give his grandmother a special hug. Schoolboy Romeo Cox set off from Palermo on June 20 with his father Phil, 46, on a journey through Italy, Switzerland and France. The pair fought off wild dogs in Rome and even tamed a wild donkey as they made their way back to the UK where they are now self isolating in Hackney. 
The hard journey included boat journeys, cycling and a donkey ride but Romeo said it was easy to walk thousands of miles when heading home. The father and son's adventures involved them sleeping in churches, hostels and camping under the stars while some people offered them their homes. Romeo finally reached Trafalgar Square on September 21, 2020, but he’ll have to wait a little longer before he can hug his beloved grandmother Rosemary, 77. 
The boy, whose father is English and mother Giovanna Stopponi is Italian, is isolating before he can be reunited with his grandmother who lives in Witney, Oxon. Romeo said, “We got lost a few times. We slept under a wasp(黄蜂) nest which wasn't a good idea, got bloody feet, but we never thought about giving up.” 
Romeo, who moved from Hackney, East London, to Palermo last year, have raised £11,000-plus for the charity Refugee Education Across Conflicts Trust (REACT). Speaking of the journey, Romeo added, “As we got closer, I just kept thinking about seeing my Granny, and how excited I was.” 

1.How many countries in the journey are mentioned?

A 2.

B 3.

C 4.

D 5.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段A boy of 11 spent 93 days walking 1,700 miles from Sicily, Italy to London, the UK with his father...以及...on a journey through Italy, Switzerland and France.可知,该旅程穿越了意大利,瑞士,法国和英国四个国家,故选C。

2.There were many ways to travel along the way except _______.

A by bike

B by boat

C on a horse

D on a donkey

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句The hard journey included boat journeys, cycling and a donkey ride but Romeo said it was easy to walk thousands of miles when heading home.可知,艰苦的旅程包括乘船旅行、骑自行车和骑驴子,文中未提及骑马,故选C。

3.What happened to Romeo and his father during the trip?

A They could only sleep in the open air.

B They bought a donkey for transportation.

C One of them hurt the leg but didn’t give up.

D They were troubled by wild animals and insects.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段The pair fought off wild dogs in Rome,以及第三段We slept under a wasp(黄蜂) nest which wasn't a good idea可知,父子两人在罗马与野狗搏斗,曾经睡在黄蜂窝下面,由此推断他们曾受到野生动物和昆虫的困扰,故选D。

4.Romeo _____ when they got to London.

A visited Rosemary the next day

B were too excited to feel any pain

C raised £11,000-plus for the charity REACT

D had to keep himself in the house for a period of time

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段...as they made their way back to the UK where they are now self isolating in Hackney. 以及第三段第一句The boy, whose father is English and mother Giovanna Stopponi is Italian, is isolating before he can be reunited with his grandmother who lives in Witney, Oxon.可知,在罗密欧见到他亲爱的祖母之前,他和他爸爸要进行一段时间的隔离观察,故选D。