

A ten-year-old girl raised over £30,000 for a children's hospice in just eight months simply by playing her violin to passers by in the street. 

The girl’s name is Madison Glinski, she raised the astonishing sum of money by playing her violin on the streets of St Ives and Truro, Cornwall. At first, she wanted to get £500, but since she began in Easter, Madison has raised an incredible £32,520 for the Children's Hospice South West. 

Madison Glinski has played violin since the age of four, started playing in the street to passers earlier this year with the aim of getting £500 before Christmas. So many people got behind the young violinist, they gave money to the young girl for her wonderful playing and her nice heart. She ended up raising 60 times her aim for the charity's Little Harbour hospice in Cornwall. 

As well as playing in the street Madison also raised money by attending car boot sales and auctioning off her own toys. 

Terrasa, Madison Glinski’s mother, is really proud of her daughter, she took her daughter to the TV show so that more and more people will help the children’s hospice. 


1.How did Madison Glinski raise money?

A Playing the violin.

B Attending car boot sales.

C Auctioning off toys.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。课文主要讲小姑娘通过拉小提琴筹款,但是倒数第2段也提到她通过汽车后备箱旧物集市及拍卖玩具筹款,故选D。

2.How much money did Madison Glinski want to raise at first?

A £32,520.

B Over £30,000.

C £500.

D £30,000.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段第三行At first, she wanted to get £500,…可知,故选C。

3.When did Madison Glinski begin to raise the money?

A Since the age of four.

B Since last year.

C After her mother took her to the TV show.

D Since Easter.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段第四行…but since she began in Easter,…可知,故选D。

4.What is the meaning of raise money in Chinese?

A 收钱.

B 筹款.

C 赚钱.

D 省钱.

解析:选B。B 语义理解题。根据课文内容可知小姑娘是为了临终儿童关怀事项而到街头卖艺等,所以应该是筹集善款,故选B。

5.Which is not correct to describe Madison Glinski?

A She is very selfish.

B She has a kind heart.

C She plays the violin well.

D She has a strong mind.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据小姑娘到街头拉小提琴可知她小提琴应该拉得很好;为临终儿童筹集善款可知她有一颗善良的心;坚持在街头卖艺8个月可知她毅力坚定,而选项A说她自私,明显错误,故选A。