英国人家“黄色小壶”竟是乾隆御用 拍出406万高价
英国人家“黄色小壶”竟是乾隆御用 拍出406万高价

A “teapot” which almost went to a charity shop sold for £468,000 at auction(拍卖). The tiny yellow pot had been put in a box for more than ten years and kept in a loft and then in a garage. 
But during the lockdown(禁闭) its owner finally had a clear-out and decided to get it valued. It turned out to be a 250-year-old Chinese wine ewer from the period of the Qianlong Emperor from 1735 to 1796 and may have been handled by the ruler himself. There are only three others in the world — two in Beijing and one in Taiwan. 
The 51-year-old owner, from Derbyshire, said, “We’d been thinking of sending everything to a charity shop. But then the lockdown came along. I’d always thought the teapot was special. We believe it was brought back from China by my grandfather, who stayed in the Far East during World War II. My mum used to display it in a cabinet.” He found similar pots online and took it to Hansons auctioneers in Etwall, Derbys. 
It attracted people from all over the world and was sold to an unknown buyer in China. Auctioneer Charles Hanson said, “It’s the best lockdown find ever.”


1.The “teapot” was never kept _______ before.

A in a loft

B in a garage

C in a cabinet

D in a charity shop

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句A “teapot” which almost went to a charity shop sold for £468,000 at auction.可知,这只茶壶差点进了一家慈善商店,故选D。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A The owner still didn’t know the pot’s value.

B This kind of pot is not often seen in the world.

C The pot was made by Emperor Qianlong himself.

D Chinese people were good at making pots 250 years ago.


3.Who paid a visit to China and got the pot?

A Charles Hanson.

B The owner’s mum.

C The 51-year-old owner.

D The owner’s grandfather.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段We believe it was brought back from China by my grandfather, who stayed in the Far East during World War II.可知,壶主人的祖父从中国带回该壶,他在第二次世界大战期间在远东待过,故选D。

4._______ finally became the new owner of the pot.

A Charles Hanson

B Derbyshire

C A Chinese buyer

D Hansons auctioneers

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句It attracted people from all over the world and was sold to an unknown buyer in China.可知,该壶吸引了来自世界各地的人,并被卖给了中国一个不知名的买家,故选C。