夏威夷冲浪板被卷走 奇幻漂流8000公里2年后现踪菲律宾
夏威夷冲浪板被卷走 奇幻漂流8000公里2年后现踪菲律宾

When big wave surfer Doug Falter lost his board in a wipeout in Hawaii, his best hope was for a local fisherman to pick it up. He never imagined it would be found more than 8,000 kilometres away in the southern Philippines.
More than two years after watching his pale blue custom-shaped board disappear in the huge swell of Waimea Bay, Falter was informed through social media that it had been found near the remote island of Sarangani. And the new owner—local primary school teacher and aspiring surfer Giovanne Branzuela—was happy to give it back to him. "When I saw the picture of it, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a joke almost," Falter, 35, said. "I was certain that the board would never be found again."
Branzuela, who bought the badly weathered surfboard from his neighbour a couple of months ago for 2,000 pesos (US$40), said fishermen had found it floating in the sea in August 2018—six months after Falter lost sight of it. They thought it may have fallen off a passing yacht and sold it to Branzuela's neighbour for a few dollars.
Despite months drifting across the Pacific Ocean, the name of the board's shaper, Hawaii-based Lyle Carlson, was still visible on the surface. Branzuela was curious to look him up on Facebook and sent him a photo of the board. Carlson shared the picture on Instagram, tagging Falter. "It turned out it's a surfboard from Hawaii. I couldn't believe it myself," Branzuela, 38, said. "It's been my dream to learn to surf and ride the big waves here," he added. "For now I can use his surfboard. I told him I will take good care of it." The pair have been chatting on Facebook and Falter plans to visit the small island to retrieve his board in the future.


1.What can we learn about the surfboard?

A It was made by Branzuela.

B Doug Falter surfed on it in Hawaii.

C It fell off a yacht in the Pacific Ocean.

D It took the surfboard a year to get found.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章全文内容可知,该冲浪板是由夏威夷的莱尔·卡尔森(Lyle Carlson)制作的,道格·福尔特(Doug Falter)在一次冲浪活动中丢失了该板,6个月后被菲律宾渔民找到,文中也未提及该冲浪板是从一艘在太平洋上的游艇掉落的,故选B。

2.Who found Doug Falter’s surfboard?

A Giovanne Branzuela.

B Branzuela’s neighbour.

C A fisherman in Hawaii.

D Fishermen in the southern Philippines.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句He never imagined it would be found more than 8,000 kilometres away in the southern Philippines.以及第三段…said fishermen had found it floating in the sea in August 2018—six months after Falter lost sight of it.可知,菲律宾南部的渔民找到了道格·福尔特丢失的冲浪板,故选D。

3.How did Falter feel when he knew where the surfboard was?

A Curious.

B Excited.

C Unbelievable.

D Unforgettable.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段"When I saw the picture of it, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a joke almost," Falter, 35, said.可知,当福尔特看到冲浪板的照片时,他简直无法相信,觉得这几乎是个笑话,由此推测当时他觉得这件事不可思议,故选C。

4.What is the result of the story?

A Falter got his surfboard back soon.

B Branzuela met with Falter in a small island.

C Carlson contacted Branzuela in the name of Falter.

D Social media helped to discover the owner of surfboard.
