英国园丁在家自制手推车 创下新的速度纪录
英国园丁在家自制手推车 创下新的速度纪录

Kevin Nicks, 55, a gardener from Oxfordshire, believes he’s set a new speed record after clocking 44 miles per hour on the back of his wheelbarrow(手推车) earlier today. He’s called it the “Barrow of Speed” and thinks he can go even faster when a Guinness World Records representative comes to verify the result in six weeks time.  
His homemade wheelbarrow, which uses a motorbike engine, was competing at a Straightliners event at Elvington Airfield in North Yorkshire. He said, “I’m here with people who do over 200mph on motorbikes and they’ve all said this machine is mad. It’s the most strange thing ever to ride—the handles of the wheelbarrow move in all directions. Every journey on it is not just going fast in a straight line, but you’re trying to avoid crashing, which is great! The rush is unbelievable.”
The speed reaches up to 72 kilometres per hour, which is higher than the base speed he was set by the people at Guinness World Records. But he’ll still have to beat it again to get his name in the famous book for the second time.  
“As long as it doesn’t kill me, I’ll have set the Guinness record,” he said. Mr Nicks previously created the world’s fastest shed(小屋) which hit speeds of more than 100mph on a Welsh beach in 2018. He said he started building the super speedy wheelbarrow shortly after the country went into lockdown to inspire others to be creative and distract them from bad news surrounding the Covid-19. “I can’t change the world but what I can do is try to make it better for some people,” he said. “For me, it’s rewarding to see the smiles on people’s faces.” Mr Nicks made a smaller version of the Fastest Shed, called Freddy the Sheddy, for children, and has also published a children’s book.


1.What’s the new record that Kevin Nicks set on his wheelbarrow?

A 44 kph.

B 72 kph.

C 100 mph.

D 200 mph.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句The speed reaches up to 72 kilometres per hour, which is higher than the base speed he was set by the people at Guinness World Records.可知,该手推车所创造的新纪录是时速72公里,故选B。

2.What is the recent plan for Mr Nicks?

A He will break another Guinness record.

B He will create another version of shed.

C He will add something to his inventions.

D He will wait for the record to be confirmed.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句He’s called it the “Barrow of Speed”and thinks he can go even faster when a Guinness World Records representative comes to verify the result in six weeks time. 可知,吉尼斯世界纪录的代表将在六周后前来核实结果,由此推断近期尼克斯先生将等待纪录被确认,故选D。

3.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A What the wheelbarrow features.

B What the part of wheelbarrow is.

C Which event Mr Nicks took part in.

D How dangerous it is on the wheelbarrow.


4.What’s the purpose for Mr Nicks to make the wheelbarrow?

A To increase his collection of inventions.

B To prove that he is the strong man of life.

C To give others inspiration to change the world.

D To create an atmosphere of entertainment for others.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段He said he started building the super speedy wheelbarrow shortly after the country went into lockdown to inspire others to be creative and distract them from bad news surrounding the Covid-19.以及For me, it’s rewarding to see the smiles on people’s faces.可知,在国家进入封锁状态后不久,他就开始建造这种超高速手推车,以激发其他人的创造力,分散他们对有关新冠疫情坏消息的注意力。对他而言,看到人们脸上的笑容是值得的。由此说明尼克斯先生制作手推车的目的是想为他人创造一个娱乐的氛围,故选D。