小猫被困高速路栅栏内 德州女子合众力施手营救
小猫被困高速路栅栏内 德州女子合众力施手营救

Kristyn Gamblain of Fort Worth, Texas, was on her way to work when she found a tiny ball of fur on the side of the highway. Her first thought was she’d seen a little cat. But how?
The animal lover knew she had to turn around and find out what was going on. So she got off at the next exit and, despite the traffic, went all the way back to the beginning of her journey to retrace her steps until she saw the cat again. That’s when she pulled over and discovered a tiny cat was trapped in a broken Jersey barrier. “This little cat had got itself trapped in the less than 2-inch space between the barriers,” Kristyn wrote. “So I get down on my knees and start trying to take this little cat out, but I can’t get my hands deep enough into the crack, so things are not going well.”
With cars flying by, Kristyn was relieved when highway patrol Officer Bennett arrived to help. After they contacted animal control, more officers came to direct traffic and provide a safe space where they could work on saving the cat. Not long after, Officer Galbraith showed up to help. Since her hands are smaller than Kristyn’s, she had more luck making the poor cat loose.
After another ten minutes, they used Officer Bennett’s tool to break the cement. Finally, they were able to free the little one completely! “Oh happy day!” Kristyn wrote. “We did it!” What an amazing team effort! 


1.Which is the right order? ① Kristyn stopped her car. ② Kristyn got off the highway. ③ Kristyn found something at the roadside. ④ Kristyn went back exactly along the same route.

A ①②③④

B ②④①③

C ③②①④

D ①③②④

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段和第二段内容可知,克里斯汀·甘布莱恩(Kristyn Gamblain)在上班的路上,在公路边发现了一个小毛球(小猫),于是她在下一个出口下了高速,沿着原路折返回去,一直到又看见了小猫,她才把车停在路边,发现小猫被困在一个破损的新泽西护栏里,故选C。

2.Why didn’t things go well in the beginning?

A Because of the heavy traffic.

B Because of Kristyn’s hand size.

C Because of a broken Jersey barrier.

D Because of Kristyn’s injured knees.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段So I get down on my knees and start trying to take this little cat out, but I can’t get my hands deep enough into the crack, so things are not going well.以及第三段最后一句Since her hands are smaller than Kristyn’s, she had more luck making the poor cat loose.可知,克里斯汀跪下,开始试着把这只小猫弄出来,但她的手不能深入到裂缝里,所以事情进展不顺利。后来加尔布雷斯警官来帮忙,由于她的手比克莉丝汀的手小,她能触及小猫。由此推断刚开始事情不顺是因为克里斯汀手的尺寸的缘故,故选B。

3._______ finally helped Kristyn to win the rescue.

A Other officers

B Officer Bennett

C Officer Galbraith

D Officer Bennett’s tool

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段After another ten minutes, they used Officer Bennett’s tool to break the cement. Finally, they were able to free the little one completely!可知,又过了十分钟,他们用班尼特警官的工具把水泥砸开。最后,他们终于把小家伙完全解放了,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A All rescue people were animal lovers.

B Kristyn Gamblain was serving animal control.

C The little cat got saved because of the teamwork.

D Animals on the highway always trouble the traffic.
