
Despite an age gap of almost 90 years, a six-year-old girl and a care home resident in Luton have become firm friends after becoming penpals during lockdown. It's meant a lot to 93-year-old Madge Weatherhead, who was born and bred in Luton and now lives at a care home in the town called Little Bramingham Farm, run by the charity Friends of the Elderly. 
Madge Weatherhead is very fond of children as she comes from a big family. But it's been difficult for her to see relatives recently, especially as most of them live abroad. So when the opportunity came up to become penpals with a six-year-old girl, she was only too happy to take part. 
Madge said, “She is the most charming little girl. I've got all her letters here, and she draws me a picture, and I do the same back to her. And when I get a letter, that’s very, very rewarding. I think that’s so nice for her to bother to write to me who is so ancient now.”
Her penpal is Ella Hasselby-Davies, who lives in Bradford in Yorkshire, but has family in Luton. It was Ella’s idea to write to a care home resident in the area, and it's helped Madge feel connected with the outside world. 
Emma Lawrance, Care Home Manager, Little Bramingham Farm said, “Before Covid-19 we had a lot of community groups coming in, mum's groups, ballet groups, children’s groups, and Madge would always be involved in that, so that was fantastic. So this has really filled the gap for Madge, having this penpal now and feeling like she's giving something back to the community.”
And Ella says she has got a lot from the experience too. Becca questions, "Do you feel like you've made a friend in Ella?" Madge answers, "Yes, I have made a friend of her. It's lovely to have a young friend." Age is just a number between friends, and when it's safe to do so, these two are hoping to meet in person.


1.What can we learn about Madge Weatherhead?

A She was the only child in her family in the past.

B Her birthplace is the Little Bramingham Farm.

C Her relatives are preparing to return home.

D She developed a close friendship with a little girl.


2.Why did Madge intend to have a young penpal?

A Because she liked children very much.

B Because Ella contacted her for a friend.

C Because her relatives couldn’t visit her any more.

D Because Emma Lawrance directly arranged it for Madge.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段But it's been difficult for her to see relatives recently, especially as most of them live abroad. So when the opportunity came up to become penpals with a six-year-old girl, she was only too happy to take part. 可知,最近玛吉很难见到亲戚,尤其是他们大多住在国外,因此她打算和6岁女孩成为笔友,故选C。

3.What can we infer from what Emma Lawrance said?

A Madge couldn’t help missing the past during the lockdown.

B Madge often helped community groups with their activities.

C Madge was separated from the community due to Covid-19.

D Ella made Madge involved in the community again.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第五段So this has really filled the gap for Madge, having this penpal now and feeling like she's giving something back to the community.可知,艾拉的出现填补了Madge内心的空虚,现在有了这个笔友,她觉得她在回报社区。由此推测艾拉让玛吉再次融入社区。故选D。

4.What does the story tell us?

A Between friends all is common.

B Friendship knows no bounds.

C A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D Life without a friend is a life without a sun.
