
A Michigan woman Brittany Keech got quite a surprise when she went to her mailbox this week. Among her regular bills and junk mail was a postcard that had been mailed almost 100 years ago.
She said that she didn’t give the card much thought at first because she was busy with her kids and her daily things. “I thought it was very peculiar that I was receiving a postcard because nobody sends postcards anymore nowadays,” Keech said. “I went ‘OK, this is different.'” Later she noticed that the card was postmarked October 29, 1920. It had her Belding, Michigan, address but was written to someone named Roy McQueen.
The card reads:
“Dear Cousins,
Hope this will find you all well. We are quite well but mother has lame knees. It is awful cold here. I just finished my history lesson and am going to bed pretty soon. My father is shaving and my mother is telling me your address. I will have to close for a night. Hope grandma and grandpa are well. Don’t forget to write us—Roy get his pants fixed yet.”
It was signed by Flossie Burgess. The card has a Halloween theme. There’s a George Washington one cent stamp on the back and the postmark says Jamestown, but the state appears to be covered by some kind of sticker.
Keech, 30, said she has no idea what delayed the card, which was mailed decades before she was born. A spokesperson for the Postal Service said that in most cases these incidents do not involve mail that had been lost in their network and later found. What they typically find is that old letters and postcards are re-entered into their system. The end result is what they do best — as long as there is a deliverable address and postage, the card or letter gets delivered.


1.What can we learn about the postcard in the mailbox?

A It was sent to Brittany Keech by mistake.

B It was a late postcard mailed a century ago.

C Roy McQueen posted it to Flossie Burgess.

D Brittany Keech thought of it as a junk mail.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Among her regular bills and junk mail was a postcard that had been mailed almost 100 years ago.可知,在她的日常账单和垃圾邮件中,有一张近100年前寄出的明信片,故选B。

2.The underlined word “peculiar” has the same meaning as _______.

A strange

B special

C common

D valuable

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第一句A Michigan woman Brittany Keech got quite a surprise when she went to her mailbox this week.以及第二段because nobody sends postcards anymore nowadays,可知,布列塔尼·基琪收到这张明信片非常惊讶,觉得奇怪,因为现在没人再邮寄明信片了,由此推断“peculiar”意为奇怪的,故选A。

3.What can we infer from what the postcard said?

A Flossie Burgess worked hard at history before sleep.

B The postcard’s receiver was living with the grandparents.

C The words are not clear but the postmark can be identified.

D Flossie Burgess’s mother hurt her knees because of cold weather.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据明信片上留言I just finished my history lesson and am going to bed pretty soon.可知,Flossie Burgess刚上完历史课,马上就要睡觉了。由此推断他睡觉前,努力学习历史,故选A。

4.Why was the postcard put off delivering?

A Because the local post office was closed at that time.

B Because it was lost in the network and later found.

C No specific reason was mentioned in the passage.

D Because there was not a deliverable address and postage.
