
Tired of working in IT and staying the same in Australia, Paulo Cattaneo decided to make a change. He started a strict budget so he could save up enough money to buy his dream KTM 1190 motorbike, a camera, and enough funds to support himself for a few years. 
Then he gave up his job, packed his things, and set off on an adventure, travelling the world on his motorbike. Paulo, 39, has since spent the last five years biking through Australia, South America, North America, and Europe, riding up to 12 hours a day and spending his nights under the stars. 
Sadly, the Covid-19 put a stop to his travels in Greece, and Paulo has had to spend the last few months in Italy, his homeland. Once the world is back up and running, he plans to return to life on the road and explore Asia and Africa. 
“Australia for me was my first experience riding long distance and I was mind blown by the beauty,” he said. “Traveling through Latin America, I learned Spanish and Portuguese. Mexico has some of the best food I ever had and Peru is a close second and Ecuador.” Paulo has managed to keep his travels going by keeping his budget tight, so he hasn’t had to get a job for his travels. To keep costs low, he skips hotels and goes camping instead. 
Thankfully, the motorbike, which Paulo bought secondhand in Australia, has not required any major repairs since he set off. The journey isn’t always easy, but Paulo has never looked back. 


1.Where is Paulo’s hometown?

A In Italy.

B In Greece.

C In Mexico.

D In Australia.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段… and Paulo has had to spend the last few months in Italy, his homeland.可知,意大利是保罗的祖国,故选A。

2.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A Paulo’s state of work.

B The way to travel.

C The places he’d been to.

D The schedule of travel.


3.What happened to him during Paulo’s trip?

A The view in Australia disappointed him.

B He learned languages in Greece.

C He enjoyed the best food in Mexico.

D He got a job to support his travel.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第四段Mexico has some of the best food I ever had and Peru is a close second and Ecuador.可知,旅行期间,保罗在墨西哥吃过最好的食物,故选C。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The motorbike troubled Paulo from time to time.

B Being alone was easy for Paulo to learn to deal with.

C Paulo had to go through living in the wild.

D The Covid-19 couldn’t stop Paulo from his trip.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段…and spending his nights under the stars. 以及第四段To keep costs low, he skips hotels and goes camping instead. 可知,保罗晚上在星空下度过,为了保持低成本,他不去旅馆,而是去露营。由此推断保罗不得不克服野外生活的艰辛,故选C。