
Britain's Queen Elizabeth will open up one of her own estates(庄园) to the public for a drive-through movie night. On September 25, members of the public will be able to drive onto Sandringham Estate for a socially distanced cinema experience. Tickets cost 32.5 pounds for a series of films beginning with 1917 and including Rocketman, Toy Story, The Greatest Showman and A Star Is Born.
An ad for the event listed online reads: "Enjoy your favorite movie from the comfort of your car in the wonderful setting of Sandringham Country Park. We have selected some great street food vendors to join us at each performance. Upgrade your ticket for just 7.50 pounds to add a deckchair, table, popcorn and separate area to the side of your vehicle."
Sandringham was bought by Queen Victoria in 1892 and is now owned by both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. It is impossible that film lovers will meet the Queen, who is now at Balmoral. She is not expected to return to Sandringham until Christmas.


1.What can we know about Sandringham?

A It was a cinema in the past.

B It belongs to the Queen’s couple.

C It has opened to the public at night.

D It will serve people as a social place.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句Sandringham was bought by Queen Victoria in 1892 and is now owned by both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.可知,1892年,维多利亚女王买下了桑德林汉姆庄园,现在为女王和爱丁堡公爵的共同财产,故选B。

2.How many films will be on show on that night?

A 3.

B 4.

C 5.

D 6.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句Tickets cost 32.5 pounds for a series of films beginning with 1917 and including Rocketman, Toy Story, The Greatest Showman and A Star Is Born.可知,开场影片是《1917》,此后还将播放《火箭人》、《玩具总动员》、《马戏之王》和《一个明星的诞生》系列影片,共计5部影片,故选C。

3.Which is NOT mentioned if you spend 40 pounds?

A You can enjoy popcorn.

B You can get a table.

C You can have a separate area.

D You can have a chance to select food.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Tickets cost 32.5 pounds for a series of films 以及第二段Upgrade your ticket for just 7.50 pounds to add a deckchair, table, popcorn and separate area to the side of your vehicle.可知,只需7.5英镑就可以升级你的票(即原票价32.5+7.5=40英镑),在车的一侧增加一张帆布躺椅、一张桌子、一份爆米花和一个单独的区域。文中未提及观影者可以有机会选择食物,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The drive-through movie night is the Queen’s idea.

B The Queen decided to donate Sandringham to the public.

C All kinds of delicious food will also come to Sandringham.

D People will have a chance to meet the Queen in September.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段 We have selected some great street food vendors to join us at each performance. 可知,主办方还挑选了一些很棒的街头小吃摊贩参加每场演出,由此推断 各种美食也会登陆桑德林汉姆,故选C。